Hello everyone! Fenrir Studios is looking for talented artists and programmers to help build the world of "Dark Storm". We're looking for candidates that have wide range of techniques for creating stunning visual 3D environments, and have comprehension with 3D game design.

About Dark Storm Ascension Dark Storm: Ascension is an indie stealth action title, with roots heavily inspired by classic games such as Metal Gear Solid and Deus Ex. You play as Amber Kingsley, a form Army Special Forces soldier that was dishonorably discharged after a failed mission in North Korea, which resulted in the deaths of several members of her squad. Now riddled with guilt, Amber has joined Ancile, a private military corporation charged with protecting the Irving Apex Facility in Alaska. There she hopes to find a new purpose, but will ultimately be forced back into action when the base comes under attack from a mysterious enemy.

Provided is a list of what we are looking for and the amount per section:
Specifications for each position:
Requirements for Animation
Job Requirements
– Have good animation skills in Maya
– Understand IK and FK Plus rigging and creating Rigs from Scratch
– Understanding of Skinning
– Time to dedicate to the project
– A showreel/portfolio of work
– Experience rigging and animating bipedal characters and weapons
– Technical understanding of animations and their use for player feedback
– Experience with view models for a FPS a big plus
– Experience with Unreal and the ability to import animations and set up animation trees a plus!
Animation lead applicants must have the ability and time to work with multiple individuals on the team and branch out our existing pipeline an understanding of Unreal Engine 4 is also a huge plus!
Requirement for Level Designers:
- Need to have at least 6 months + Exp in UE4/UDK
- Spend 6-8 hours a week working on project
- Must attend our weekly meetings and active on Skype almost daily
- The willingness to manage and assign tasks to modelers under you
- Basic Knowledge of blueprints
- Positive attitude
- Willing to take and give positive criticism
Optional Requirements
- Modeling/Texturing is a plus
Positions will close quickly so apply now.

Payment will be on a percent basis after the game is released everyone on the team that helped will receive an amount calculated off the amount of work they did that makes it into the final build. We plan to release on Steam and any other services that will allow. Everyone is required to sign an initial Royalty Contract and a final upon release. Leaving the team before release will lower your overall percent.
Project Links:
Letter from the producer
(from the producer an in depth letter to fans and fellow developers detailing the past of the project and the game moving forward.)
How Can I Apply?
Please read through this entire job post to ensure you understand the requirements and responsibilities involved and send a resume to (With Reel if possible)