Hello, I'm just looking for some help in solving a problem I seem to be having with a project I started. I'm super new to DDO, by a couple days now, and am trying to teach myself the program after purchasing it a while back. I imported this mesh of multiple parts from Maya (I made sure to delete history and freeze transforms after uving.) and this seems to happen. There are materials applied to the piece but they don't seem to be appearing.

I've tried re-importing the mesh into DDO, re-exporting it from Maya again and it's still the same problem on the same piece. Did I perhaps miss a step?
- Chevon (Student / Junior Modeler)
You'll need to create a new project to work around this for now.
Keep in mind that the amount of mesh groups in your project determines how many Photoshop documents are created. If you have eight groups, that's a minimum of 32 *.PSDs that DDO will have to create. Even at 2k resolution, that's a lot of RAM. Be sure that you group per UV set before exporting to minimize performance impacts and minimize any additional work needed to combine disparate *.PSDs into a single *.PSD per texture type per object.
Thank you very much!