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3D Animator/Rigger/Level Designer Looking for Work

polycounter lvl 14
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Prominence polycounter lvl 14
Hi there! So, as stated, my primary specialties are 3D Animation (preferably with a pre-rigged model, but I CAN rig, it'll just be a extra), and 3D Environmental Modeling/Level Design. You can see my portfoilo here:

I'm rather capable in Unity (and can do particle effects in it as well as most non-programming work in general), and could likely learn Unreal Engine 4. I primarily utilize Maya for my modeling work.
I should note that texturing is not my strong suit at all. I'm also capable of video editing and composition for things such as trailers and whatnot if needed.

My rates are rather flexible, and I'm open to talk about pricing at length! You can email me at fowlerck@hotmail.com or PM me. Thanks!
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