Took sime time from a bigger project and thought of doing a smaller one as a break. What else than an awesome SWORD! SWORD! SWORD!
Started with concepting it out.

Had a few ideas but nothing really specific. So I just decided to take one of the concepts and see what can I do with it. Ended up with an evil heart eating and possesing(consuming) a holy sword and thats the result of it. (The heart is crying and drooling at the same time). Because why not.

Did a quick mesh base for the moment. Thought of putting in here for any thoughts. Was considering to redoing the cross as a single mesh and chamfering edges than actually having 2 cylinders. Any tips or feedback would be appreciated.

For the actualt texturing part was thinking a bit more gritty than the drawing. A bit more dirty and (bloody?) dont know yet. Going for something like in berserk.
Rejoice to the great summer endeavors!
Okay, so this is still in progress and actually I will be redoing quite a bit of it while going along now. Thought of a few better ways to get extra details on it. This is a perfect way to learn how to use substance painter as well.
This is what I want to change/ improve on the next update
Extra detail to the Cross.
Eye ?
Thank you for stopping by will be updating it shortly!
Need to add a few extra scratches and dirt (around the cross mostly)
Thank you for having a look.
Renders taken in UE4.
Tools: 3ds Max
Substance Designer/Painter
Thought of editing it now. Suprise suprise. Anyway added a little bit more (noise) to the whole handle since it seemed quite plane.
Final Shot.
Happy with the outcome learned a lot more about substance painter. Could have been better on some of the parts did some mistakes considering the uv layout. Should have done 2 seperate UV Maps for better texture control. Learn something new everyday. Still find the handle bars a bit plain. But will have to do for now. Any feedback appreciated.