I think we can all agree that if you're fluent in a language, you should mention it on your résumé as it can only benefit you (not to mention that knowing English is paramount in this industry). But what about languages which you only have intermediate knowledge of? Or basic knowledge? Does mentioning that you have, let's say, intermediate knowledge of Mandarin Chinese make a difference or is it just a waste of space on your résumé? Has anyone ever landed a gig because of that added skill? Or become a more viable candidate for relocating?
Learning about languages and linguistics is a hobby of mine and I'm unsure about whether mentioning languages I'm not yet fluent or proficient in would add or detract from the rest of my résumé.
However, don't come to China without any additional skills. The times where companies looked for a token foreigner are pretty much over. A serious company will first and foremost look at your art or tech skills.
I'm actually much more comfortable reading/writing it than listening/speaking it. Mostly because I'm a visual learner (as many people on this site can probably relate to) so I have much more trouble getting the hang of the tonal system Mandarin Chinese uses than its writing system.
But yeah, you're completely right — if you don't bring the artistic/technical skills necessary to the table, nothing in your résumé will convince them otherwise.
Yeah, I think that's what I'll do.