Hey, I have this problem with getting Sublime to autocomplete Maya Python commands. Spent a few days on this problem, still can't find any solution.
I've installed "Maya Sublime" and "Jedi" packages for Sublime, of course. I suppose Jedi is supposed to assist with autocompletion, and as far as I can see I need to connect it with Maya devkit, where all Maya Python commands are stored. I thought I need to setup custom Python interpreter for Jedi, I followed their github instructions, but I guess I either use wrong syntax or typing it at wrong place.
Could anyone give a hint on how to setup it properly? Thanks!
/devkit/other/pymel/extras/completion/py/ to the paths
RigLibrary.sublime-project file now looks like this (note I tried both forward and backslashes to be sure I don't mess them up, it doesn't help):
And excerpt from jedi settings