Hello ladies and gentleman. I am looking for some people who can make
some Prehistoric creatures and are willing to animate them as well.

It would be great if you would want to join the team! Right now there
isn't anyone besides me but I hope to get a small team in on the
project. I do need you to be at least 14y years of age. This is unpaid
work, yet this doesn't need to be a full time priority, just a little
free time effort. I do want maybe some better work then just a plain and
simple silky object. I can supply a image (drawn if need be) and I
would need you to be able to at some point make it a reality.

This is
a project that comes off the ideas of the youtuber BestInSlot, it's
name accordingly is The BIS Project. Now while it is a majority our own
ideas, He did make some good points on what a good prehistoric game

Once we can get some images of the models and the maps, I will be making a game page for it on GameJolt, and anywhere else that shows off Indie Titles.
(Any other type of team member that you want to be? Specify and I will review it!)
Now here is the basic form I will need you to sign, and
at the bottom please mention any additional info you would like to
know, (I will get a contract together so no one in the end just runs off
with the project.)
Rookie/Novice/expert/master (at the required fields):
How much hours would you put into the project weekly?:
Are you a Animator/Modeler/Texture designer?:
Additional Info:
I hope you all have a amazing day! Cheers!

Check out the website!
http://epictoadgod.wix.com/thebisproject#!about/c20r9Need to contact me? Email: EpicToadGod@gmail.com