I've been fighting uv seams for my rocks the past week, and finally think im on to something. I was originally baking normals from zbrush to be used in ue4. While things look ok in Quixel Suite, once i brought it into UE4, it looked horrible. I had very visible seams all over.
So i've since then also experimented with ZAppLink painting in Photoshop on top of seams which produced somewhat dissapointing results, but then got a tip that 3dsmax had the Viewport canvas paint function, and that actually made it much better. So now im down to one issue. A few places i see one or two pixel seams in UE4. See picture below.
I have another thread open on this issue here:
http://polycount.com/discussion/comment/2465140#Comment_2465140Where Eric Chadwick pointed me towards the Dilation filter in xnormals to get rid of the one/two pixel seam. So question is now. Since Quixel Suite generates these solid square textures, how would i go about and select only the uv islands and then use the xNormal\Dilation filter in Photoshop to generate gutter paddings?
Hope this makes sense, and please let me know if there's an alternative to gutter paddings.

What's your earliest availability? I'd love to sit down with you soon and help you out with some of this!