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Answered: How to change the UI resolution for Quixel Suite?

Hey guys,

I am not sure if any of you are having this problem of really tiny text and icons for use for Quixel Suite within Photoshop. I am using the latest version 2.2, and my Photoshop version is CC 2015. 

The main problem lies within the 3DO window where all the icons and texts are so small, that I tried various ways to fix it, but in vain :(

I have attached screenshot of my screen with 3DO window open so that you can see what's happening. I would love it if it scaled automatically to the screen resolution, just like Photoshop CC does.

NOTE: I am working on windows 8.1 bootcamp of Macbook Pro. These are my specs:
Windows 8.1
Intel Core i7-4980HQ CPU @ 2.8GHz
64-bit Operating system, x64-based processor

Screen resolution: 2880 x 1800 (which is recommended size, I even tried reducing it, but it doesn't make any change to the menu bars and UI)

Your help would be very very much appreciated. It would help ease my eyes while working, if it gets fixed. :)

Thank you so much in advance,


  • Synaesthesia
    Offline / Send Message
    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Sorry about the late reply!

    Please visit us at Quixel Live Support and grab the 2.2.1 pre-release 3 patch. It may help improve the UI for you.
  • nairarun15
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    nairarun15 null
    Sorry about the late reply!

    Please visit us at Quixel Live Support and grab the 2.2.1 pre-release 3 patch. It may help improve the UI for you.
    Hi Jonathan,

    Thank you for the reply. I was surprised that the 'Quixel Live Support' was a Facebook page! Anyway, I sent a request to join it, since I can not view any download links for the 2.2.1 pre-release 3 patch otherwise. Is there any website pages within Quixel site where I can download as soon as possible? I tried the 'Launch Updater' within Quixel Suite, but it did not show any 2.2.1; 2.2.0 was the latest one in the list.

    Can't wait to install that patch, and relieve my eyes of the strain. :)
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    You should be in right now - I add people almost as soon as they request to join. :) Check my pinned thread in the group for the patch.
  • nairarun15
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    nairarun15 null
    You should be in right now - I add people almost as soon as they request to join. :) Check my pinned thread in the group for the patch.
    Hi Jonathan,

    Thanks for letting me join in the Quixel gang. :)

    I downloaded the software patch and installed it, still it has not helped in any way to resolve this display scaling issue I mentioned about. All the UI elements of 3DO are still tiny like ants. :(
  • Synaesthesia
    Offline / Send Message
    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Our SUITE programmer is currently on vacation for a bit, so what I'd like for you to do is post in Live Support so we can get his attention to this problem when he returns. Sorry about the inconvenience! :)
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