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Substance Painter for Highpoly models (With High end Graphics Card)

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OccultMonk interpolator
How well does substance Painter scale with the GFX hardware? How much polygons and 4K textures could Substance painter push with the upcoming Pascal Titan/TI graphics cards and still be responsive? Say these new graphics cards are 30-40% faster than the 1080GTX and have 16GB memory? I also need to say I am working in 4K so that also subtracts from the performance. 

I am asking because I am thinking about learning MARI, but I would rather use Substance. And especially since Substance Painter can handle larger data sets now that it also supports UDIM and 8K export.


  • Jerc
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    Jerc interpolator
    The polygon limit is pretty high. You can import easily 15M triangles and paint on it smoothly, even on mid-end GPUs.
    There is no limit to the number of texture sets you can have (700 is the actual limit I think) but the more you have the more Painter will have to swap things in memory and the tool will get slower. 
    But with the amount of memory on a 1080, you should be fine.
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