Hi just started learning about shader programming with GLSL after seeing some really cool effects on
https://www.shadertoy.com/ and a few other places & games. So far I've only done simple things like changing color over time. Is it possible to master this without much knowledge of the openGL api. Or, should I stop and learn how to use OpenGL first before digging deeper into its shading language?
Mostly you'll do just fine knowing the shader side of it if that's all you want to mess around with (i.e. writing shaders for stuff rather than writing the stuff that uses shaders).
It can be helpful to understand what data is getting passed in and passed around, but by and large that's fairly similar across all the APIs until you get into the really technical differences, so a high level understanding will probably do you fine.
@Farfarer Phew, that's good to know. Writing 3d software seems like a daunting task. l'll just focus on the shader side for now.