Hey everyone! I've hit a dead end on my research into this so i'm reaching out to see if maybe someone can help. I'm trying to recreate this effect in Shader Forge in Unity.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgLpyRVbJUEI'm working on a game that has a very painted/ stylized art and this fits way more than a realistic flame.
What I have so far.
1. I'm working in shader forge but if you know how to do it in regular code that's fine I can take a crack at it. I have found a shader for a cell shading system but I can't find a good example of using it in a particle system because at the moment if I apply it to my flame particle that I have set up it doesn't accept color information from the particle system and I don't want to just put a one color node onto it I want a transition from blue to orange to yellow if possible.
2. My flame particle is set up pretty well for a base. It has a size limit of time, rotator, color over lifetime and i've limited the velocity a bit.
Thanks in advance for help and wisdom.
I think I also see a UV distortion effect in there, the one they are changing with the Speed shader parameter. And there's a camera post process for the bloom/glows.
I've been doing a lot of UV distortion stuff lately. I shared some screenshots of my node setups in my sketchbook thread, might help you.
But even then you'll end up with harder edges than if you use a bitmap on a plane, both because it's a 3d surface but also because you'll likely not have anti-aliasing.
Depends on the effect you want I guess. See the foliage shader in my thread, that has both uv distortion animation and vertex offset animation, both driven by a scrolling normal map. I used the uv distortion for smaller waves of motion so the leaves move around. And I used vertex offset to get the larger silhouette to change, since my meshes are seen from oblique angles sometimes.