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polycounter lvl 8
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Ssjtroll polycounter lvl 8
Hey all, Finished this up not to long ago. Figured I should make a post on here that kinda explains the tiling material workflow I used. But first some show case :D


  • Ssjtroll
    Offline / Send Message
    Ssjtroll polycounter lvl 8
    Ok on to the good stuff. Most of the wires and pipes in this scene are made with splines.

    Tiling Materials:

    With all the tiling workflows that are emerging, and programs like Substance and Quixel that let you make awesome looking materials I figured it was time to try one out. I have found many pros, and cons for this workflow. You are able to get very close to the assets, but without making a lot of RGB masks it was difficult to place scratches on edges and dirt in crevasses. To start with I determined where a material went by and RGB mask. Then plugged in the material function that was my tiling texture.

    -I went with material functions, because even though I could not make a master material with them I could globally change the material. Works great for iteration workflows
    -You don’t have to use one RGB mask. You can use multiple if you have more than 4 materials on your asset.

    For the issue of not having edge detail and dirt I decided to try to make an Ao and Curvature workflow for adding in these details. It worked, for the most part. You lose a lot of the purposeful wear that you get on objects. Yes you can paint them in by hand for a mask, this project was meant to find a fast way to do this. I would recommend to take the time on the hero assets to hand make masks.

    Any way, I packed a Curvature into the Red channel and an AO into the Green channel.

    I then split and used contrast, scurve and power nodes to get the amount that I wanted

    Then plugged the AO into a LERP mask for some tiling Dirt, and the Curvature into a mask on a Material Blend for Edge wear. you end up with stuff like this

    Here is the whole material. Awful spelling and all.

  • Blade113
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    Blade113 polycounter lvl 8
  • Daf57
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    Daf57 greentooth
    Very nice! Impressive detail - thanks for the look under the hood, too. I love that red wood texture! :)
  • jaker3278
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    jaker3278 polycounter lvl 8
    Nicely done ! looks great, and thanks for the break down could come in very useful. 
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