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Character 3D: Castle Gear w.i.p.

polycounter lvl 14
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Axcel polycounter lvl 14
Hi guys,
I want to finish one of my older projects. The first thing I decided to do it gather feedback from you about quality of what I already have.
Back than I considered high poly finished and stopped working due lack of clear art direction in which I'd like to go with this project. It's been few years, standards are higher and I am not objective. So, what do you think, what should I improve?

In what style & colours would you like to see it? In its roots it's obviously stylised and I think I wanna keep it that way, though my experience is mainly photorealism. 

Recently Overwatch is popular, so maybe go in that direction?

This is my reference, from ~2003 mmorpg titled Rose Online:

and my model:



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