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Portfolio review and critique

polycounter lvl 18
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Davidskiwan polycounter lvl 18
Hey guys, I really need some help with some feedback for my portfolio : http://drjones.artstation.com

I'm trying to make the transition from 3D to concept art, and I'm not getting much feedback from studios, if somebody could tell me where I'm going wrong, what to improve, what to remove or what I should add I'd really appreciate the help!


  • miguelnarayan
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    miguelnarayan polycounter lvl 9
    I will be brutally honest with you, so be aware.
    You asked for a review and I'll give the kind if raw, honest critique I'd like someone to give me, not pats in the back, because you seem to want it this way.
    I haven't seen a single original piece in your portfolio, and by that I mean, you don't convey new ideas, it's not making me feel anything. I've seen this kind of sci fi done by other artists, other games and other movies. It may interest the low paying rock bottom of the industry, but if you're aiming to the top, I'd like to see more original pieces. Everything either screams 'Borderlands' or 'Skyrim'. Both amazing games, but they've been done before. Re-invent the clichés.
    There are amazing artists everywhere online that do crazy renders of 2D images, but if if you want into concept art, you have to be more than that, you have to be like an old master of a renaissance era.
    Technically you are good. But if you're happy by just being that good, at the end of the day, you'll just be a guy that draws and paints pictures. Storytell a bit more and you'll get there in no time. Paint yourself in every concept you make, not other works you've seen.

    I still struggle a little with originality myself, but that's a difficult thing to achieve, you have to try though, it's very especial when you get there.
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