Hey everyone!
I've started up a couple projects as of late but have been particularly drawn to focusing on this one. For one reason or another I've gotten sucked back into the world of Metal Gear. There is just nothing like a Kojima game.
So I decided to do a Metal Gear fan art. i didn't really know who I was going to do or how for a while. I decided on making Snake but I didn't just want to remake the game version, especially when we already have modern up to dates versions of Snake. After some research I rediscovered and became instantly drawn to the illustrations Yoji Shinkawa has made for the series, in particular the drawings for MGS1.
Stuff like this.

I just really dig the energy in these and I think they even show off a slightly different design of Solid Snake than we have ever gotten. Snake in these feels more slim and agile, the silhouette is sleeker aside from those awesome chest/shoulder pads. On top of that, Snakes face is more like the slim/boney one we see in the codec calls in MGS1 (also no facial hair yet).
Next was how I wanted to approach this stylistically (modeling and texturing) and that's where this thing comes in


I stumbled upon these and other than really wanting to buy them, really liked the idea of this composition. This also proved to me that the Yoji Shinkawa styled Snake looks awesome in three dimensions.
Long story short, the plan is to make Solid and Liquid from the same base mesh (seeing as they are twins), modeling them in this slimmer/slightly more stylized way, and then making one set of textures realistic and one set like an alt skin in Yoji Shinkawa's style.
A lot of work but I think it's going to be hella fun.
Very much a rough pass. Legs and feet need love (most challenging for me for sure) and haven't really put too much time into the hands but am feeling it's heading in the right direction overall. Still in the dynemesh sketching phase.
At this point I'm mostly worried about whether or not the proportions and silhouette are looking right with the illustration.
Also the legs need form, especially around the knees. This is a nice guide! Right now you can draw a straight line from the hip to the ankle pretty much, whereas you should go in toward the knee, out and in again, that's a shitty description but I hope you get the idea together with the guide.
In fact, looking at him again, his legs might be a bit too beefy compared to the illustration. Hands and feet have yet to be really worked on (though I won't be getting too worked up over the feet).
A ton of traveling, lost files/progress due to a broken Cintiq Companion in another country, and some tears later I have some updates!
I'm like 99% done with the high poly of Snake. Mostly finishing the little stuff. Fix some folds and polishing. Have also been working on his fibermesh hair for some better renders in the future.
(Side note) I am planning on having hair card hair for the more realistic texture version and sculpted hair for the stylized texture version.
A close up the skin detailing. Not totally done with it yet but am holding off on doing more until I finish the other loose ends.
Anyway, that's about where I am. Let me know what you think! I would love to hear what you have to say before I finish up the high poly.
Just looks like the head, hands are too big. Also the thickness of the legs. The chin/jaw area looks a bit weak. That is compares to the target character, maybe that's your intention.
Once again great stuff.
I can't wait to see the hair. Which type of hair are you going for? Recommendation below:
At this point, this is where I'm leaving this one. Overall, I am pretty happy with the out come of this. Learned a lot of things to apply to my next project.
As always, let me know what you think!
Thank you!
Check out page 79 for some excellent face refs.