I purchased a used Cintiq, and it came with a scratch that my wacom pen tablet keeps bumping over. For the price it was a really good catch, however, I'm curious to know if this will impact performance? Should I return it? or is a scratch on the screen fine? Will it get worse over time? It doesn't seem to affect drawing in photoshop at all. However, considering it's a big purchase, I would rather not find out the worst alternative.
Would it affect my work in anyway? What are your opinions?
I have a matte one from these guys on my 24HD: http://www.viewguard.com/
Also use the nibs with springs in them because they're good.
I agree with getting a proper screen protector personally, the matte ones are pretty nice as I hate glare, but that is a personal preference. Best $20ish spent on my S/O's cintiq campanion2.