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Tormund Giantsbane CC needed

Hey guys, I am doing a likeliness or Tormund from Game's of thrones. Want to make sure the base sculpt is on point before moving further to wrinkles/ pores/ micro detail etc, Critique not only welcome but needed please, Thankyou!


  • Cremuss
    Offline / Send Message
    Cremuss polycounter lvl 12
    cool start! I recognized him so I'd say you're on the right track. I suck at this so I might now have a lot of helpful comments. Only big thing that I see is the nose. Nosetip should be pointier and nostrils should be curvier and go up a little bit more. It really makes an arrow shape in your ref
  • vikz4
    Cremuss said:
    cool start! I recognized him so I'd say you're on the right track. I suck at this so I might now have a lot of helpful comments. Only big thing that I see is the nose. Nosetip should be pointier and nostrils should be curvier and go up a little bit more. It really makes an arrow shape in your ref

    Thank you for the feedback!

     I made some updates, Let me know you thoughts, thanks again!

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