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WIP League of Legends Jhin fan art

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DoctorBloup polycounter lvl 7

Hey guys!
So recently I started a new project and this time I decided to make a character from LoL mostly to train my hand painting skills and because why not x)
I picked Jhin although it's one of the few characters I never played, but I liked the concept and after doing some research on him I learned he was this badass, calculating, meticulous assassin. Also, he has some hard surface elements as well as more organic stuff so it would be a great exercise trying to mix both.

Anyway, I made a little (big) ref board to know what I'll be dealing with, mostly consisting of in game shots.

So here's my current progress on the dude

For the moment I mostly worked on the legs and the overall shape. So I'm still blocking the different parts and the right shoulderstuff and the mask should come next and pretty quickly (I hope...)

Of course, any crits and comments are welcome! :smile:


  • Blade113
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    Blade113 polycounter lvl 8
    nice block-out :) i wish you luck on this :)
  • DoctorBloup
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    DoctorBloup polycounter lvl 7
    @Blade113 Thanks!!
    Here's my work so far
    The right shoulderplate is done, still some tweaking to do on the four bullets on the back. This is a part that is usually hidden in game, and it only appears when the character uses a specific spell so I thought it would be useful to make it anyway. I'll soon start working on blocking the mask, the right arm, and then I'll start sculpting the body.

    'til next time!
  • DoctorBloup
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    DoctorBloup polycounter lvl 7
    Quick update on the character.

    Mask is done and now I'm busy blocking the right arm, should be done by tomorrow! Next I'll start sculpting the character (can't wait to start!!)
  • GravityBwlast
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    GravityBwlast interpolator
    Nice progress, keep it up!
  • DoctorBloup
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    DoctorBloup polycounter lvl 7
    @GravityBwlast Thanks for the support man!! :smiley:

    Here's where I'm at. The mechanical arm is done and now I started sculpting the clothes (folds, volumes etc). There's still some tweaking I'll have to do for some parts though and I'll continue tomorrow!
    Any critics or comments are welcome so don't hesitate to give your feedbacks, I'd really appreciate it! :smiley:
  • DoctorBloup
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    DoctorBloup polycounter lvl 7

    Here's my current progress. I worked on the pants/shirt details, replaced the belt placeholder with a "real" and better looking rope and started working on the cape. I changed the hands' size because I noticed that it was too small compared to the head (that also needs some tweaking) and did a retake on the right shoulder plate.
    Still have the gun to make thou... :D
  • 0bizwan
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    0bizwan null
    that's some cool sculpt dude, I'm not a LoL expert but I think you are going the right direction :) Keep it up !
  • Maxilator
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    Maxilator polycounter lvl 8
    Looks pretty good, one thing bugging me a bit is the mask, the original concept has a very sinister look on it, while the sculpt looks a bit goofy at the moment, I think the main thing causing this is the size of the eyes and the shape of the eyebrows. I also think the middle portion of the mouth is placed a bit too low atm. Keep it up!
  • DoctorBloup
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    DoctorBloup polycounter lvl 7
    @Obizwan thanks for your comment and for stepping by! Really appreciate it :)

    @Maxilator Thanks for the feedback! I've changed the mask accordingly, scaled the eyes to make them smaller and raised the mouth a little bit. Still a problem with the eyebrows maybe?

    I also sculpted the cape and added some details on some elements. Still have the ammo on his belt to do and the gun, but this one will wait after I've textured the character!
  • GravityBwlast
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    GravityBwlast interpolator
    Liking the cape folds, looking forward to see the texture work.

  • DoctorBloup
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    DoctorBloup polycounter lvl 7
    @GravityBwlast Thanks, can't wait to start texturing hehe :smiley:
    Small (or is it) update here, low poly is done!!

    Polycount is around 7800 tris, just 400 more than the original model (which is nice). The gun's still missing though so I think I'll be around 8200 tris give or take.
    Now I'm off to unwrap all that mess! See you next time! :smiley:
  • DoctorBloup
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    DoctorBloup polycounter lvl 7
    Hey! Quick update on the character

    I made some changes to the overall anatomy of the character after some feedbacks I was given in order to make it closer to the original.
    So I raised the belt and the hips a little bit, also made it thinner. Hands are bigger, head is smaller, shoulderplates are facing upwards, legs are slightly longer.
    Tomorrow I'll try to start working on the textures.
  • amirabd2130
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    amirabd2130 polycounter lvl 7
    looks great. looking forward to see more
  • DoctorBloup
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    DoctorBloup polycounter lvl 7
    Hey guys, I haven't posted in a while... Here's my current progress on the character. I've started texturing and so far I've worked on the right arm, the clothes and started working on the left arm.

    Any critics are welcome at this point, still wrapping my head around handpainted texturing... Anyway thanks for your time! :)
  • DoctorBloup
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    DoctorBloup polycounter lvl 7
    Hey! quick update to show my latest progress!
    Still work to do but I thought I'd share my current state of work, cheers!
  • DoctorBloup
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    DoctorBloup polycounter lvl 7

    Started working on the sheet stuff that covers his body, doing the basic colors atm :)
    Also made some tweaking on the rest of the body
  • DoctorBloup
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    DoctorBloup polycounter lvl 7
    Here's my latest progress!
    I textured the cape and modeled the gun, tomorrow gonna start texturing it and hopefully I'll be able to start rigging and posing the character after that!

  • Micah
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    Micah polygon
    Hi DoctorBloup,

    I did a quick paint over  to show some of my thoughts. Hope you don't mind.

    The first thing I noticed was the metal didn't look very metallic. It needs some more contrast and some highlights in places. It's not very noticeable but there is some purple bounce off light. Also looking at the back of the leg the way you rendered it, it looks like the light is coming from the bottom.

    The next thing is the skin, it looks very dead. I watched a video once about having your darkest color as a dark red and painting over that. Tried to find it, it's on YouTube somewhere. (I know my anatomy of the arm is rubbish) Also painted some straps around the arm.

  • DoctorBloup
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    DoctorBloup polycounter lvl 7
    Wow awesome, thanks for the feedback Micah! Definitely gonna work on that! (while checking the changes you made I also noticed there was a problem on his left index finger so double thanks I guess :D)

  • Maxilator
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    Maxilator polycounter lvl 8
    Micah said:
    Hi DoctorBloup,

    I did a quick paint over  to show some of my thoughts. Hope you don't mind.

    The first thing I noticed was the metal didn't look very metallic. It needs some more contrast and some highlights in places. It's not very noticeable but there is some purple bounce off light. Also looking at the back of the leg the way you rendered it, it looks like the light is coming from the bottom.

    The next thing is the skin, it looks very dead. I watched a video once about having your darkest color as a dark red and painting over that. Tried to find it, it's on YouTube somewhere. (I know my anatomy of the arm is rubbish) Also painted some straps around the arm.

    I think it might be this video you are referring to. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fApnpQ0lw0
  • DoctorBloup
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    DoctorBloup polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks to both of you Micah and Maxilator!
  • DoctorBloup
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    DoctorBloup polycounter lvl 7
    Hey guys, thanks again for your help! I checked the video and tried it out on my own and here's what I got

    Tried to render the metal like you showed Micah but yours is so good looking compared to mine... :p Still not entirely happy about it so I'll rework it. Tried to do the same on the mechanical arm but meh...
    Anyway, what do you think about the left arm, better? :smiley:
    (woops just noticed the third imaged is cropped...)
  • DoctorBloup
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    DoctorBloup polycounter lvl 7
    Ohai, quick update! I reworked the metal parts

  • DoctorBloup
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    DoctorBloup polycounter lvl 7
    Hey! Here's my latest progress!

    Character is rigged and posed, also textured half the gun, still the other half to do! Cheers!
  • DoctorBloup
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    DoctorBloup polycounter lvl 7
    Hey! I finally finished Jhin and made a little scene for him, with roses petals (because jhin is fabulous) and just a shadow underneath him, oh and also posters. Like Wanted posters but since he's not a bounty hunter they're just... Posters. Anyway, here's what it looks like on sketchfab:
    I also have other shots on my artstation, so feel free to drop by and say hi here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/85NzR :)
    Thanks for all your help!

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