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Unable to edit envelopes on skin modifier on both 3DS Max 2012 and 2015

Right, so I'm porting a model from WoW into Skyrim and I'm having issues getting the rig working, or more like having issues getting the skin modifier to work

In 3DS Max 2012, I can see the envelopes and only add weight to them. When I try to remove weight from the model be it either by selecting vertices or weight painting, it completely ignores the commands. Same goes for when I'm trying to adjust the envelopes. I even removed Isolated vertices.

Screenshot from 2012

In 3DS Max 2015, I can add and remove vertices BUT I can't see them, so I'm completely blind when trying to do anything rig related in 3DS Max 2015.

Screenshot from 2015

Both versions of 3DS Max are fully updated with the latest service packs. 

This is pretty irritating since I've spend an hour now trying to figure out what could be causing this. Anybody knows about any possible fix?


  • monster
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    monster polycounter
    If I'm understanding the issue correctly I think you want to uncheck "Weight All Vertices" from the Advanced Parameters rollout. This will allow you to remove weighting when no other bones are influencing the verts. Be default unweighted verts are not allowed.

    However, I encourage you to change your workflow. Instead of removing weighting always add weighting to the intended bones. If you are subtracting weighting it's hard to predict where the influence will go, but when adding to another bone you always know. And disabling "Weight All Vertices" has the negative affect of unweighted verts that don't move or follow the character.
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