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Demo Reel for 2016?

polycounter lvl 9
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djwiley912 polycounter lvl 9
I am not sure if this the right place for  this. I would like to ask some question about everyone's opinions on Demo Reels in General and maybe some specific things as well.

From what I was taught and have heard from employers here  are somethings that I know about demo reels
-have it be no longer then 45 secs of core material (a minute when you add the first and last frames with your information)
-have your name and software you use in the start
-Best foot forward
-credit all coworkers and collaborators
-Show a range

Here are somethings I am curious about. I am a modeler and lot of these questions are in that direction since many times I have only heard about compositors or animation reels.

1: Everyone has asked if I want to do Games or Films. How do you approach a question like this?
                                *I say I want to just be able to model and don't care which direction I am placed in. I think being able to model well and understand edge flow and anatomy on any scale is key to either area. With the new Game Engines the poly-count for games is almost becoming mute but on that note you still need to be aware of good edge flow; keeping form and understanding what the limitations of the game engine are. With Films you have to be aware of minuscule details and most of the time a realistic style and quality. 

2: If I have a Demo Reel of works that I did not concept myself and list the artists that I asked for permission to use their work and so on...is it okay that I don't have my own creations or as many as my own works on there?
                                  *In both fields from what I haven seen and been told that it is rare to have the modelers contribute to the concept art process. Some companies allow the expanse and blending but it happens based on the projects and time. I might have one of my own designs and character but in comparison to the other pieces it feels weaker and could just be cut out. If I am going to be doing work for a company where I am given a design and have to work from; doesn't it mean you would want to see my ability to work with art that I did not make myself?

3: I want to be able to showcase my range and I mean being able to show cartoon to realism. I figure I have only 4 models/characters/creatures in a 45sec reel and each one will some one unique style. Is that a good approach?

If anyone has other questions or answers Please post


  • Eric Chadwick
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    I added a question mark to your thread title, to make it clear this isn't a thread about your demo reel, but instead you are asking for opinions and info about how to make them.

    An even better thread title would be "Demo reel for game/film character modeling?" which would get you more opinions and info, since people with an interest in that area would be more likely to open your thread.
  • Quack!
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    Quack! polycounter lvl 17
    We are in the midst of hiring up and can confirm that we loathe demo reels for character/environment artists. 
    Pick your 4-6 best works, post a few nice screenshots and your sketchfab/Toolbag Viewer up on ArtStation and you are good to go.
    I wouldn't waste time making a unique website or time consuming demo reel, unless you are amazing at web dev/videography.
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