Hi there,
Unfortunately, our main icon artist has had to drop out due to his real time job so we are searching for another. This job is to make ability and item icons for our MOBA game "Circuits and Shields". Payment will be done per champion (usually 5 icons) or per item icon. These icons need to be extremely high quality, not boring app icons. For an example of our current ones, see here:
https://circuitsandshields.gamepedia.com/Jan_Itor#AbilitiesI will require to see some example of your icon work, or at the very least, you will be required to do an art test of 1 or 2 icons to ensure you can match our style and quality.
You can find out more about our project at
http://circuitsandshields.comSkype: CThomlison
Email: CThom@circuitsandshields.com