Ninja Character, Made in ZBrush, Rendered in Modo.
Started working on this guy a while back. and now Im more or less finaly done with the highpoly!
any crits or comments before I start on the lowpoly I highly appreciated of course

Btw loved your final for the troll, subbed and looking forward to this as well!
@AgelosAp - thanks! Im a big fan of your work as well. you might be right about the feet, good call! I wont fix anything on the highpoly now, but Il try to remember moving some polygons around on the lowpoly when its baked.
here is the lowpoly, normal and AO baked. Rendered in marmoset, so unfortunately not as sexy as the previous pics hehe.
Making the sword next.
I want it to be a separate texture set, and I want to have the sword done before I start the textures.
@thestoff - hmm, fair poin, but yeah, a bit late haha, maybe I can tweak it a bit when doing the textures.
also moved around some verts on the feet in the lowpoly to make it a bit more exagerated. I made the sleaves/pant shape a bit more refined aswell, though I dont think you can see any of these tweaks on these images. I mostly focused on the sword.
here be pixels.
and the sword on its own.
Its just some simple color blocking so far, and Im testing out some textures for the clothes.
@Bolovorix and @Tectonic - grea ideas! did some tweaks, hope you like this better.
@Cremuss - Ive been tempted, but I kinda wanna keep the dark ninja vibe.
so overall I darkened the whole character and changed the eye colors, hope this looks better! overall Im pretty happy with how it turned out, Im gonna ad some details here and there, like dirt and some wear n tear. I still wanna keep a pretty clean look overall. still have the sword to finish though.
so Ive been kinda on vacation for the last week or so (still am) sohavnt been able to update or work in this guy as much as i would like to. but I started working on some edge wear and dirt. Doing so, I realized I dont like how the jacket shaped up, so I made this quick paint over.
Im gonna go back to zbrush and sculpt out some new details!
I think its gonna add some interest to the design, and some slight color to tie in with the red sword grip.
And ninja stars! He needs ninja stars!!
but ninja stars are definitely a must! =P
@Sebeuroc - Thanks, me too haha, Im honestly having a lot of trouble with the design of this guy, I want to keep the simple "dark cloth only" concept of a ninja but still have it somewhat interesting, its a hard balance.
Im thinking of going back to the drawing board and redo some stuff, not sure yet.
Trying out some alternative designs and see if I like it better. nothing set in stone yet, might go back to the current model, but I wanna do some experimenting first, so here is a sketch I did over the weekend and a quick blockout.
@jose.fuentes -Thank you!
Overall, I like the new direction for the character. That said, I think the arms could benefit from a more anatomical approach. I understand it's very stylized, but currently the shapes read as quite balloon-like and not really like muscle.
The biggest problem I think is that he has very short delts. The deltoid muscle actually comes down very far on the arm; the insertion is halfway down the humerus. On the other hand, the origin of forearm extensors should be much higher on the humerus. I would also flatten the side plane of the arm at the briachialis and square off the biceps more. You could add peaks to the silhouette of the triceps and the forearm muscles. I think this would help getting rid of the balloon-like quality. Lastly, you only included the sternal heads of the sternocleidomastoid, and missed the clavicular heads.
Between the different muscles of the arm, as well as the different heads of the deltoid, there is some very interesting interlocking. The muscles of the shoulder, upper arm and forearm overlap and interact a lot more than you might expect; they are not just confined to their respective compartments. It could be simplified for a stylized model, but if you can hint at the interlocking, I think the stylization will be much stronger for it.
I created an anatomy draw-over for you, I hope that helps clarify things. I ended up spending a little longer on this than I expected, but at least it was a good reminder for myself as well! :proud:
and yeah, I just didnt like where the character was headed, I feel kinda weird about it too, this is the first time ive done something like this. I usually realize if I dont like something way earlier, but I just kept telling myself; Il solve it in the lowpoly, il solve it the textures and so on.
anyways, thank you again! luckily Im still blocking stuff out so this is a very welcome breakdown.
Started working on some folds and other details. I still have some work to do on the arms, would love some more feedback @Wendy de Boer if you have the time. - I have a hard time separating the triceps and the biceps and still keep within the style for some reason.
and heres a close up on the arm if anyone wanna break it down and/or laugh at my shitty anatomy or something.
I'm no anatomy expert but here are a couple of suggestions:
- Bring in the lower end of the triceps' lateral head and the biceps. The brachioradialis connects below the triceps so you need space for it.
- The deltoid connects a little lower than where you have it right now
- I feel like the triceps are kinda missing the medial head
- Overall it could benefit from some muscle group separation. Keep it subtle to maintain the style you've got going.
Quick paintover thing.Oh and maybe try flaring out the feet to give them the same treatment as the hands and see how you like it.
Keep it up!
@theStoff - hopefully it looks better now, and yeah, I like this "new" version way more too, I did lots of arm stuff, also extended the chin area as you suggested.
@polymator - thanks for the awesome PO, hopefully this is better I still think there are a lot of areas that can be tweaked but hopefully I havnt made it worse haha : )
So here is the new updated arm, tell me what you think!