hello guys and girls, i'm doing a stylized Envo atm (blocking out, but not happy with the scale)
Was wondering what i could do to improve my scaling, where to start? what's important to think of and why does some concept seem to have really weird FOV and perspective !
the concept i'm working from is this lovely piece by Greimm Bae (artstation).
My main method was to start with the table or the door with either a simple cylinder or box and use a scale i think is proper and try to match it by rotating and moving to the concept. But the rest just seems off

Knowing some real-world base measurements is a good place to start. Deciding on a square-metre dimension for the room and going from there. So, for instance, let's assume that the room is 6mx8m. I can roughly gauge this by knowing that the average height of a door is 2m and the room is about '3 doors' wide from left to right. a stair thread can be anywhere from 600mm to 1m wide so that's another measurement to aid in reconstruction. There is no science behind it, just use common sense, your artistic eye, and some base average real-world dimensions.