Hi guys,
I'm just wondering if anyone has ever had any luck with/ever made accordion style menus with UMG/Widgets in UE4?
If you're not quite sure what I mean, here's an example:
http://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_js_accordion.aspI'm fairly new to I guess...more advanced HUD work in UE4 - I was sure to do research before posting here but came up with nothing.
Not necessarily looking for an example (though that would be great) - happy to just read up on any links/articles/tutorials any of you might know of on the subject.
Also, forgive me if this has been posted in the wrong section.
Edit: I suppose I should probably add, I just assume I'm going to be using the Widget switcher for the most part - it's more of the whole 'collapsing' I feel stumped on
Thanks a lot!

in the latest UE4 version (4.12.5) you can find something called Expandable Area in the Extra category in the widget palette.
if you don't want to use this or are unable to switch to 4.12 you can achive something similar like this:
where Content contains whatever you want to have collapsed. the default sizeY of Content should be 0 for it to work properly.
after setting this up simply use the Button's click event and toggle the SizeToContent property of Content.
I used this method in 4.8 and had great results even when having them nested like this:
I hope I could help you with my first post
Thanks, Man!