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Enchroma Glasses?

polycounter lvl 18
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mwgrafx polycounter lvl 18
They are glasses for the colorblind which unfortunately I am. Its very odd, considering I  love to paint. I would ask my wife to check the colors, sometimes yellows would turn out neon or I would get a very odd color combo. That's why when I digital paint I stick to grayscale for the most part.  I was wondering have any of you heard of these and what is your take on them? I was thinking about getting a pair but they are expensive but they have a 60 day refund.


  • throttlekitty
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    I'd check into the terms on that refund first.

    It sounds like they have some kind of prism-filter thing going on with the lenses to change wavelengths. So if their claims about the tech aren't complete BS, I'd imagine it works, but not amazingly so, and vision is different for everyone. I'd expect things to look a little grainier or maybe but with better clarity in those color ranges.
  • klc3d
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    klc3d polycounter lvl 3
    We have an artist where I'm at that is color blind and just got a pair. He got the sunglasses and says that they really work. I guess he had heard that they don't work for everybody but he took a chance and it paid off. Their return policy was the only reason he was willing to take a chance on them in the first place. 
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