So I've been ripping my hair out trying to get DDO working on and off over the last couple of days and have been having a couple of bugs plaguing me non-stop each attempt.
1. The first and most common issue I've been running into has been the missing mesh groups after the "make art" process has completed I lose the ability to be able to select any of the mesh groups from the mesh group dropdown window, the window just appears blank.
This issue isn't always consistent but its the most common.
I have read in a previous topic that it is most likely related to my scratch disk however I can confirm that I have more than enough room on my HDD and my computer specs are above the minimum required for the suite.
Below is a screen shot of the blank menu

2. During the "make art" process as DDo is baking out my curvature map and something is going astray... I end up with a cross hatch through my curvature map which as you could imagine results in incorrect detailing on my model when Ddo makes it to this point which isnt that often.
Below is a screen shot highlighting the issue during the bake process.

I've reinstalled quixel suite and even tried rolling back to older versions but with no luck, I will try reinstalling photoshop once IT gives me my damn CC details to do so, On that note I'm using Photoshop 2015.1.1 ... but in the meantime, if anyone has had these problems or could shed some light that would be brilliant!
I've reset my tool presets to default and without fail this time I have managed to get it to work every time!
As soon as it breaks again I will get on and record it as I can't seem to replicate those issue which have been plaguing me for the last two days.
below is the simple steps which seem to have cleared it up completely.. hopefully this will fix it for anyone else with the same issues.
1. select any tool
2. click on the option icon (the cog)
3. click reset tool presets