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Crit/feedback for fem sculpt please!

Hi! I've been working on a female realistic sculpt the past few days and wanted to receive some feedback to help me move forward, specifically anatomy etc, or anything to help me learn and improve. Aspiration is to be a realistic character artist :) Thanks for your time!


  • Anchang-Style
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    Anchang-Style polycounter lvl 7
    First of all, the shading in combination with shadows doesn't help to actually really see whats going on, so everything shall be taken with a grain of salt and tequila since chances are i might not be able to figure it out really. In the side view the shadow looks like something is missing.
    The ripcage should be more visible. Up to a certain body fat the ripcage should be visible. Atleast a little V shape under her breastswhere the cartillage meets up. It's also kind hard to see, whats going on with the abds above the bellybottom. 
    The Gluts should meet up in the middle. 
    The Scapula feel a bit huge and narrow. Their position is more as if she is strecthing her pecs and pushing her arms back (but her pose is not implying that).
    You missed the Triangle in the back thats consists of the Posterior Superior Iliac Spine and the Sacrum. A shape that is very obvious and a great Landmark on the body.
    Also the chest area above her breasts is quite narrow (kinda hard to explain) the section that goes up to and meets the deltoids...it should go from a wider base...of you get what i mean (probably wouldnt myself).
    There is a weird line on the deltoid that shouldnt be there. 
    Also the way the biceps joins into the elbow is not looking right to me. But here it might just be shadows at play.

    But technically well done :) 
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    What reference are you using?
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