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Sephiroth bust - Game model

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Leinadien vertex
Hey I'm working on a sephiroth game model, just a bust. Mostly to practice how to do eyes, skin and hair. But I'm really stuck on the hair, I have it modeled and unwrapped but when you put any kind of texture onto it, it looks just terrible. 

Also I'm sure the eyes could look much better, the lens around the eye that creates the reflection, if I put the transparency at max value the highlight disappears so I can't and therefore the iris and pupil appears a bit greyish. He also hasn't got eyebrows yet, I'll probably add those with some alpha planes.

But the hair is the main problem right now. Any idea how to make realistic good looking hair, it took hours to model I wish there was some fast and easy way to do it or that I knew a good pipeline for it. Any tips or suggestions appreciated, especially on the hair. If you're as clueless as I am I could send you the model and we could figure it out together.

REF - http://i.imgur.com/J28yh2H.jpg


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