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What would an European exit mean for the UK games industry?



  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter

    What does a Leave vote mean?

    Quitting the EU allows a British Government to impose controls on immigration from EU countries.

    But it doesn't force us to do that. It would simply give us the choice.

    And it certainly doesn't force any Government to deport people who are already here.

    So would foreign nationals be kicked out?

    People from EU countries who are living and working in the UK came here legally, under the rules that existed when they arrived. They don't have to leave because of a Brexit vote.

    No Government is going to tell British businesses who currently have staff from other parts of the Europe that they have to lose their staff.

    MP Gisela Stuart, chair of the Leave campaign and herself a migrant from Germany, points out that the Leave campaign has never talked about deporting people.

    So everyone can relax - there’s no need to pack a suitcase just yet.

    quoted from another online newspaper

  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    yeah that's all well and good, but gove and johnson are fucking nutcases. and if they end up leading the government they could fuck everyone over.

    i've always loved Boris Johnson's gaffes, but more from a marvel of his stupidity. But now that stupidity could be leading our country. what the fuck?!

    Oh and this is already triggering an ireland reunification, scotland will probably go too.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    The idea that immigration policies won't change sounds rather naive given that immigration was a major topic for the Brexit campaigners, just as it is for most anti-EU parties in Europe. But I don't think people will be kicked out, as long as they hold a job or have paid into the social system. But it does add more uncertainty for people who work from gig to gig (e.g. VFX), and layoffs too may become much more dangerous. Both are issues that I wouldn't dismiss that easily in our industry.
  • littleclaude
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    littleclaude quad damage
    How I feel this morning, I feel sorry for the young people, 75% of 18-25 year old's voted to remain in their biggest turn out for voting in history.

    I blame David Cameron who was a bit of a wet fish throughout the campaign. He did not even turn up to be on the panel at EU referendum at Wembley Arena and he was the one who asked for the referendum in the first place! what was he thinking!

    What's done is done, we just need to get over the shock and pick ourselves up dust off the wedges of bricks and mortar and get the feck on! 

  • Cay
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    Cay polycounter lvl 5
    So it happened.. I hoped it would be a close remain instead.
    There are certain similarities between this vote and others (presidential election - austria). Mostly people on the countryside in fear of the future.
    Let's hope we can stop this trend...
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    another thing to consider re: immigration in the UK now would be the general attitude towards foreign workers. it appears this has changed for the worse in recent years. i do not recall hearing or reading about anything negative when i worked there. would certainly make me reconsider now if i had a job lined up there if there are more welcoming places elsewhere. there is a life to be lived outside the office bubble too, after all.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    yeah that's all well and good, but gove and johnson are fucking nutcases. and if they end up leading the government they could fuck everyone over.

    well I agree with you on that, I am no fan of the tories, I was just pointing out that it's not an immediate disaster for european workers in the UK. I think there are 3 million  brits living in the EU and I can't see a tit for tat situation developing.

  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    thomasp said:
    another thing to consider re: immigration in the UK now would be the general attitude towards foreign workers. it appears this has changed for the worse in recent years. 
    I really hope this hasnt changed much, I know quite a few people that voted to leave based on dissatisfaction with the eu as an institution and not because of any hard feelings towards europeans or anger towards immigrants. A vote for leave isnt a vote against europeans as people, a lot of british people are quite happy being labelled european themselves and still feel very much a part of europe as a whole.
  • Biomag
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    Biomag sublime tool
    Well as expected seems like the majority of the 'leave' voters are 50+.... it's always the same demographics...

    Might be that the solution will be similar to Norway, simply UK staying out of the policitcal decions but participating on the market. But the 2+ years of uncertainty will be hard to swallow for the working force and industry.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    The UK could have stayed in if it wanted something similar to Norway. Norway is paying a lot of money to the EU to have the right to participate in the EEA.  They are independent when it comes to customs, fishing rights, judiciary and agricultural matters. However a big campaigning point was to stop transferring money to Brussels, so I don't see that coming. Maybe something like Switzerland, but that will take a long time.
  • Jonas Ronnegard
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    Jonas Ronnegard polycount sponsor
    Wish these votes had like a fact test you had to pass before you could vote, when they interview brexit people they always bring up reasons why they want to leave but all the things they talk about are things that would probably get worse outside of the union.

    They are happy about not having to abide by the rules of EU but trough agreements they will probably still be following like 90% of them in the future as well without being able to vote or veto on it.

    Only reason I can see that people that gets how it works and still voted to leave is because of immigration fears. 
  • RobeOmega
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    RobeOmega polycounter lvl 10
    Too much focus on immigration when it was not a comparatively large problem and the effect this the Brexit will have on it is overstated. I feel that 16-17 should have gotten a vote as well. You could say all you want about them being too young and uninformed but they are much more likely to do the actually research and critical thinking more than the average voter.
  • Biomag
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    Biomag sublime tool
    It is really bitter that the future of a nation was decided by persons who won't live to see it. Sounds harsh, but it is like that. Others will pay the price for this choice, not them. They are not even really affected by the immigration as a big part of them aren't working anymore or at least most probably don't work in jobs that the 'scary' immigrants qualify for.
  • RobeOmega
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    RobeOmega polycounter lvl 10
    Biomag said:
    It is really bitter that the future of a nation was decided by persons who won't live to see it. Sounds harsh, but it is like that. Others will pay the price for this choice, not them. They are not even really affected by the immigration as a big part of them aren't working anymore or at least most probably don't work in jobs that the 'scary' immigrants qualify for.

     I agree with this. Although the young voter turnout could have been much higher.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    I really wish there was a way to stay in the EU but to voice a protest about the way its is run, but hey stop blaming us old people, sounds
    a bit like sour grapes. If I hear one more person blame baby boomers I will scream. I grew up under thatcher, then major then blair, then
    eventually another right wing tory government. you should feel sorry for us.

  • Melazee
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    Melazee polycounter lvl 12
    Really sad about the result. My University was hugely funded by the EU, and was part of the reason why Cornwall was beginning to get a growing game industry. I wanted to see the South get a bigger industry, but that'll be screwed over now because for some ridiculous reason, the South decided they didn't want this and voted leave. Ugh. 

    I already have a job thankfully, but I do worry about my indie peers who's companies were founded and rely on EU funds. Sad times.

    The U.K. Government will have to continue providing these funds that we lose out on with the Brexit  if they don't want UK talent to leave the UK for better prospects. 
  • repete
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    repete polycounter lvl 6
    Nothing to do with baby boomers and all to do with fear mongering and good old patriotism.

    This is why we will ALWAYS have to walk just as slow as the idiots who have a complete disregard for progress. The vacuum this creates for Europe will last a long time and just you wait for the domino effect to raise it's ugly head as it wont be long before other EU members start pushing for stay or go referendums.

    If your IQ is under the national average and your knowledge of European history is severely limited or non existent then you should not be entitled to vote on decisions like this. 

    I went to bed last night thinking there is no way they would risk it, how wrong I was.

  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    It might work out!  No one knows how it'll turn out.

    (not in support of the decision.  Just saying... positive energy guys)
  • Teessider
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    Teessider polycounter lvl 11
    Disappointed with the result but we will just have to see how things pan out. I will be keeping a close eye on what Britain does.
  • MM
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    MM polycounter lvl 18
    democracy can sometimes be stupid since the majority is often ill-informed and easily manipulated.
  • Kraftwerk
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    Kraftwerk polycounter lvl 19
    Well Uk always got an extra sausage, now they have to import it with customs and extra taxes, enjoy :|
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    MM said:
    democracy can sometimes be stupid since the majority is often ill-informed and easily manipulated.
    Hence the popularity of crypto-fascist monarchy BS amongst internet nerds
  • metalliandy
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    metalliandy interpolator
    What a disaster. :(

    Hopefully the 450 pro-EU MPs in Parliament will force a vote to disregard the referendum result (which is legal as referenda are advisory only in the UK).
    Otherwise I can see the UK fracturing over the next few years :(
  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    MM said:
    democracy can sometimes be stupid since the majority is often ill-informed and easily manipulated.
    Hence the popularity of crypto-fascist monarchy BS amongst internet nerds
    Its a perfectly legitimate opinion to feel that democracy doesn't work properly in some or a lot of cases, especially when it comes to campaigns of misinformation, like the one that led the Brexit vote. No need to be calling people closet fascists for that (and all MM said was democracy was "sometimes stupid").

    Nobody (well, not many) is saying people shouldn't have a say, I think the sentiment is more that the media and the educational systems are failing us, and also the frustration people have when they feel like fear was used to short circuit logic.

    Its hard to argue that democracy works when you have a situation where lies caused fear, and fear swayed a vote. Like Brexit, or like when republicans told people that Obama was forming 'death panels' and so they should oppose healthcare overhaul. It is democracy, sure, because the vote accounted for the eventual action, but its not exactly healthy democracy, which relies on an educated voted base and healthy media to help people make informed decisions. 
  • Jonas Ronnegard
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    Jonas Ronnegard polycount sponsor
    well democracy is great and all, but it really doesn't work when people are ill informed and really don't care about anything but headline words, really think it would be great if you had to pass a test before you could vote for elections etc, 

    If you don't know what you are voting for please don't vote - http://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2016/06/24/480949383/britains-google-searches-for-what-is-the-eu-spike-after-brexit-vote
  • AtticusMars
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    AtticusMars greentooth
    There's plenty of good journalism out there, and it's easy to find. People just don't give a shit. They let confirmation bias control what news they consume and dismiss information they don't like. 

    Look at how quickly american conservatives turned on Fox News when they began ridiculing Trump. A huge part of his appeal has been taking advantage of peoples distrust in "mainstream media". Or on the other side, progressives turning on MSNBC for daring to criticize Sanders but happily accepting anything that attacks Clinton no matter how dubious the source. 

    People hate being wrong, and thanks to the internet you never have to because the barrier to entry for political commentary is basically zero and there is no accountability what so ever. So finding your own personal echo chamber is easier than ever. No one cares about how accurate the information is, they just want to hear someone of authority reassure them that they're already right. 

    It has never been easier in any point in human history to educate yourself, and people are still choosing ignorance.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    ysalex  sorry, just commenting on the rising popularity of fascism and/or feudalism that's the politics di rigueur of the cesspools of 4chan and reddit.
  • Burpee
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    Burpee polycounter lvl 9
    Just when I found a job in the UK :'D 
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13
    Paris and Berlin welcome you UK game companies and devs! ;-)
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    I'm legitimately fucking terrified right now. Not just for me, but for the hundreds of EU workers and friends that i have living here at the moment. There are quite a few studios in london that have huge amounts of insanely talented EU nationals working in them. I fear for their survival.
    but, but they took your jobs
  • MM
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    MM polycounter lvl 18
    Justin, were you calling me a fascist ? lol what ? are you serious ?
    fyi, i dont follow 4chan or reddit anything similar. i am clueless what you are talking about.

    anyways, what i meant was democracy is vote by majority and in general the majority of people are ill-informed and may be even stupid. a clever politician can easily manipulate hordes of such people and lead them off a cliff.
    the smartest most intelligent people in a population are in the minority in terms of numbers. so logically a democracy may not always work when a stupid majority outnumbers the intelligent minority.
    this is particularly true if the political nominees are also not selected from the intelligent educated minority. such nominees might be homophobic, xenophobic, greedy fascists like you know who. country should be run by scholars from different areas with lot of education and very high IQ test results rather than business moguls. at the very least, politicians should be more knowledgeable than the likes of trump and bush.
  • Biomag
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    Biomag sublime tool
    I would hint here to Socrates - democracy is not the best solution, but the least worse one. While it sounds smart to let the scholars make the calls, I've met enough of them I wouldn't even trust a pets life to, never to speak of a whole country.

    More than enough professors on universities have more than questionable morals (starting with a couple of law professors - I can't speak for under countries, but in Austria there is a high number of far right wing supporters teaching law). Also look at the MDs in the Nazi service, probably high IQs, but 'slightly' odd goals which they focused at... to keep it short - smart != morally sound or even responsible.

    Also society morals change with time and are not something set in stone and how do you determine who should make the call? There isn't a simple solution to any of it and humanity tried many paths to rule nations, but pretty much all of them came a bigger costs than democracy, although its track record is rather slow and poor too.
  • MM
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    MM polycounter lvl 18
    yup there is definitely no easy solution that is for sure.
  • marrakech
  • Aabel
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    Aabel polycounter lvl 6
    I never really got the impression that Britain was all that enthusiastic about EU membership anyway. Not surprised they wound up leaving.
  • Jonas Ronnegard
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    Jonas Ronnegard polycount sponsor
    MM said:
    Justin, were you calling me a fascist ? lol what ? are you serious ?
    fyi, i dont follow 4chan or reddit anything similar. i am clueless what you are talking about.

    anyways, what i meant was democracy is vote by majority and in general the majority of people are ill-informed and may be even stupid. a clever politician can easily manipulate hordes of such people and lead them off a cliff.
    the smartest most intelligent people in a population are in the minority in terms of numbers. so logically a democracy may not always work when a stupid majority outnumbers the intelligent minority.
    this is particularly true if the political nominees are also not selected from the intelligent educated minority. such nominees might be homophobic, xenophobic, greedy fascists like you know who. country should be run by scholars from different areas with lot of education and very high IQ test results rather than business moguls. at the very least, politicians should be more knowledgeable than the likes of trump and bush.
    well you don't really need to be smart to make logical decisions, as long as they know what they are voting for, problem is most don't.
    So often you talk with people that have a strong opinion about something that clearly have only read headlines, and when explaining
    the facts to them they change their opinion, or they are ass holes and no matter what they won't admit what they believed was wrong.
  • MM
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    MM polycounter lvl 18
    MM said:
    Justin, were you calling me a fascist ? lol what ? are you serious ?
    fyi, i dont follow 4chan or reddit anything similar. i am clueless what you are talking about.

    anyways, what i meant was democracy is vote by majority and in general the majority of people are ill-informed and may be even stupid. a clever politician can easily manipulate hordes of such people and lead them off a cliff.
    the smartest most intelligent people in a population are in the minority in terms of numbers. so logically a democracy may not always work when a stupid majority outnumbers the intelligent minority.
    this is particularly true if the political nominees are also not selected from the intelligent educated minority. such nominees might be homophobic, xenophobic, greedy fascists like you know who. country should be run by scholars from different areas with lot of education and very high IQ test results rather than business moguls. at the very least, politicians should be more knowledgeable than the likes of trump and bush.
    well you don't really need to be smart to make logical decisions, as long as they know what they are voting for, problem is most don't.
    So often you talk with people that have a strong opinion about something that clearly have only read headlines, and when explaining
    the facts to them they change their opinion, or they are ass holes and no matter what they won't admit what they believed was wrong.
    you dont have to be, but usually it helps if you are...
    a smart voter would research facts and make logical decisions based on evidence as oppose to a voter who just believes what ever they are told by their party nominee or by the media or what ever.
  • RyanB

    MM said:
    Justin, were you calling me a fascist ? lol what ? are you serious ?
    fyi, i dont follow 4chan or reddit anything similar. i am clueless what you are talking about.

    anyways, what i meant was democracy is vote by majority and in general the majority of people are ill-informed and may be even stupid. a clever politician can easily manipulate hordes of such people and lead them off a cliff.
    the smartest most intelligent people in a population are in the minority in terms of numbers. so logically a democracy may not always work when a stupid majority outnumbers the intelligent minority.
    this is particularly true if the political nominees are also not selected from the intelligent educated minority. such nominees might be homophobic, xenophobic, greedy fascists like you know who. country should be run by scholars from different areas with lot of education and very high IQ test results rather than business moguls. at the very least, politicians should be more knowledgeable than the likes of trump and bush.

  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    MM: yowzers, I wasn't calling you a fascist!  There are literally people that think fascism or a monarchy is the best form of government, I was worried these groups would rise in power with Trump vs Hillary over here but so far nobody on the right seems to be spending any money wooing these people over.  Trump isn't doing any fundraising or spending and the RNC is just trying to run damage control.
  • myclay
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    myclay greentooth
    some not so looming snippets of UK based developers regarding the Brexit here;

    the Brexit might also take its first toll for a couple London based Startups/indies... [still speculation at this point]

  • Malkav
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    Malkav vertex
    There goes my dreams of working at Ready At Dawn
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character

    Ged said:
    I really hope this hasnt changed much, I know quite a few people that voted to leave based on dissatisfaction with the eu as an institution and not because of any hard feelings towards europeans or anger towards immigrants. A vote for leave isnt a vote against europeans as people, a lot of british people are quite happy being labelled european themselves and still feel very much a part of europe as a whole
    to my understanding it was marketed in part at least as a vote to curb immigration - stuff like that is bound to rub off on people and makes for easy fingerpointing. hence my 'out of the office bubble' comment earlier. try going to a yorkshire pub armed with an obvious continental accent these days and i bet you'll get to hear ... things.

  • marrakech
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    marrakech polycounter lvl 5
    i thought that the youngsters are pro remain ? i think 90 % of leave votes warent teens but old ass parents and grandparents that aren't doing this bullying on street.
     my opinion a 18 to 25 year old has no clue. they are remote controlled voters.
  • Ryusaki
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    Ryusaki greentooth
    Seems like i will be the one who is pissing in the pool.
    The great british Empire is one of the reasons why we have so much nationalsim, racism, discrimitation and violence in this world today.
    Its easy to beat on the Nazis (who did tremendeous damage to the whole world) but it seems like its much more easy to forget the 200 years of colonisation which laid the foundation for hundreds of violent conflicts between nations and ethnicities (which was intentional and planned)
    See India and Pakisthan as an example.
    In recent times GB (and the USA obviously) still fuel the conflict between Shia and Sunni.
    The immigration crisis is a direct result to the war in Libya, Irak, Afghanisthan and Syria.
    No sane european wanted such irresponsible, stupid and morally wrong act.
    75% of the conclict between the western world and the muslim world is artificial made by the USA and GB.
    Nobody with a brain believes that the USA and GB are the good guys when the goverments hold hands with the ugliest fascist in this world (Saudi Arabia). 
    The acts of these goverments have created IS or Daesh or whatever you want to call these animals.
    The general population never had a say in those things. Business as usual.
    This development is deliberate and intentional to drive a wedge inbetween nations, ethnicities and groups of people in general, so that they fight against each other instead of fighting against the planned dystopian one-world goverment (Globalisthan) the socio/psychopatical elites of the world are dreaming off.

    People in general are not against an European Union. They are against THIS European Union. And they have a problem with their "democratic elected leaders" who are nothing more but a bunch of liars, actors, sockpuppets and hypocrits.

    No sane European wanted a fiscial union, because it doesn't fucking work, the politicians promised that it would never happen.
    Who could have guessed that they where lying?
    Ask a greek!
    Nobody wants to bail out corrupt and antisocial banks, nor does anybody want more privatisation of public ressources.
    Or an european goverment which makes incandescent bulbs illegal, but leaves planned obsoliscent legal. 
    Ask the french, at least they have 3 braincells active.

    Nobody i know wants to have a trade and Investment Partnership with the USA which will result in lower income, lower safety laws for food/medicine and definatly nobody wants that companies in the USA can influence our politics and society ( or sue them into oblivion).
    Our politicians promised that it would not downgrade our high safety standard for food, medicin etc...
    Didn't take long and Glyphosate became harmless  (EU has released a study which contradicts earlier studies).
    "HEY YOU CAN TRUST US!!!! " says the notorious liar.

    I wont.

    And you are all Hypocrits if you doubt Democracy NOW, since the result is not to YOUR liking.
    And you are a double Hypocrit if you call people racist, who don't want to live with the consequences of the major fuckup these Goverments created in regards to
    Libya, Irak, Afghanisthan and Syria.
    That is just cheap defamation. 

    I hope for an Knock-off effect, i hope that this is just the beginning of a painful but neccessary healing process.

    PS: For clarification : I am not a Brit. But i would have voted to leave if i where one, even if it would hurt my wallet and people would call me racist.
  • firestarter
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    firestarter polycounter lvl 19
    Malkav said:
    There goes my dreams of working at Ready At Dawn

    They're a US based company.

    Young europeans wanting to work in the UK shouldn't sweat it too much, there will be just another layer of bureaucracy for you to navigate. If you have the will and energy you can still do it. Not sure why you would want to though, quality of life is much better on the continent, as far as I've seen so far.
  • Malkav
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    Malkav vertex
    Malkav said:
    There goes my dreams of working at Ready At Dawn

    They're a US based company.

    Young europeans wanting to work in the UK shouldn't sweat it too much, there will be just another layer of bureaucracy for you to navigate. If you have the will and energy you can still do it. Not sure why you would want to though, quality of life is much better on the continent, as far as I've seen so far.
    Whoa thats a relief. I guess Ready at Dawn just has offices in the UK based on some job apps ive seen on ArtStation.
  • Biomag
    Offline / Send Message
    Biomag sublime tool
    Malkav said:
    There goes my dreams of working at Ready At Dawn

    They're a US based company.

    Young europeans wanting to work in the UK shouldn't sweat it too much, there will be just another layer of bureaucracy for you to navigate. If you have the will and energy you can still do it. Not sure why you would want to though, quality of life is much better on the continent, as far as I've seen so far.
    Yes, you can still do it, but it means costs and time, not just for the applicant, but also the company and therefore a reason for rejection. Problem that a company faces each time they want to employ someone from the outside, therefore they become less attractive to invest into and therefore there are less companies in the UK. You see it already happening since the referendum.

    Not to mention that there are restrictions for your partner following you when you want to take a job in such a situation. For example my girlfriend got now a interview in Finland and as I am an EU-citizen too I won't have a hard time to go there too. With UK leaving the Union it probably wouldn't be that easy in the case of moving to Great Britain as we are not married.

    None of these are problems that can't be overcome, but they add up to the reasons not to choose UK companies reducing the pool of qualified candidates for studios located there.
  • teaandcigarettes
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    teaandcigarettes polycounter lvl 15

    It would be so funny if it wasn't so tragic. What a shitshow. 

  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Well to be fair I don't really see why this journalist is being so surprised - this was a referendum, not an election, so no camp is supposed to have a "plan" nor is expected to come in power.

    Shouldn't the plan be to just apply whatever regulations are in place when it comes to a country leaving the union (article 50, and then negotiations/agreements with the EU) ?
  • RobeOmega
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    RobeOmega polycounter lvl 10
    pior said:
    Well to be fair I don't really see why this journalist is being so surprised - this was a referendum, not an election, so no camp is supposed to have a "plan", nor is expected to come in power.

    The plan should just be to apply whatever regulations are in place when it comes to a country leaving the union (article 50) ...

    I would argue that although it was a referendum and not an election. When the consequences of the vote result in economic uncertainty, the main currency taking hits and businesses and investors having to make large decisions based on the result of the referendum. There should be some sort of organised plan laid out before hand.
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