Hey Guys. I'm planning to refine my 2d skills this summer since i've got some spare time, so I'm going to try and cram in 100 drawings till september. Most of them will be sketches and some I plan on finishing and adding to my portfolio. I plan on not speding more than a coulple of hours each on one, except for number 10, 20. 30 etc.
Also, if anyone is inclined to join me, please do and feel free to post in this thread as well. Would be awesome to see more people doing it, it would motivate us to practice more.
I already started making a few, so here we go:
1/100 The Dungeon Warden

2/100 Ripley

3/100 You're always on your god damn phone

5/100 Repair shop 65
@_Hofsta_ me neither man, but I'm trying to squeeze in these drawings as much as I can XD. You should still try it, it really helps
9/100, Dishonored style study