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Prince Nuada - Hellboy

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RobinRodet vertex
First full body character I made for my Character Creation exam, let me know how I can improve him for my portfolio :)


  • AgelosAp
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    AgelosAp polycounter
    Pretty solid model, would like another view more to the side to understand the forms better but here are a few pointers:
    -Longer sleeves, sleeves that end above the wrist look awkward.
    -Shorter forehead, I see the character has a prominent forehead overall but I think you can reduce it about 15%
    -Belt tie, it looks like you have some pretty good cloth modelling done on the horizontal cloth but the vertical one is simply laid over, I think a tied knot would give a lot more to the area.
    -Metal materials, they look soft.
    -Boots silhouette, it is a bit oversimplified and there is too much of a downward slope towards the toes, which makes it look less sturdy than it should.
    Overall a solid first character, are you planning to bake it to a low poly as well?
  • RobinRodet
    Offline / Send Message
    RobinRodet vertex
    I'm planning on learning baking as well yes, not sure if I'm going to do it with this character. Thank you so much for the feedback, it will go a lot towards improving my next sculpt :)
  • RobinRodet
  • Nomad - Nicolas Pirot
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    Nomad - Nicolas Pirot polycounter lvl 4
    Looking good, hair discoloration is a nice touch too.

    What currently stands out most when it comes to anatomy is his right arm.
    Odds are the pose is partially resonsible for it, but right now it seems as if though his arm were broken and bent, right below the elbow.
    Posing a character with a joint in the z-direction of the camera is always a bit tricky, seeing as how hanging cloth can distort this into looking off.
    Turning the arm so that it's orientation is clearer would probably fix this.

    As for the general image, it looks pretty good, The balance between black, red and gold works really well here.
    The overall black tones could use more variation though, at certain points the detailed decorations are hard to read because of a lack of contrast.
    This is mainly a light related thing, although it's heavily influenced by the material roughness.
    A bit less roughness on things like the skirt and arms will help showcase the otherwise very subtle cloth folds too.

    Cool work Robin, good luck with the exam too. (provided you haven't already had it)

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