hi I've been searching the internet for the past hour and I'm sick of finding fixes that don't actually fix this so can someone please help me? everytime I create a new material or new layer it will show up in PS but not in the DDO interface, this is really frustrating as I would like to use the masking tools that DDO offers to help speed up my workflow. Never had this issue until I reinstalled on windows 10 today.

Close Photoshop and the SUITE.
Right-click on Photoshop, run as administrator.
Close Photoshop.
Run Quixel SUITE.
Let me know if that clears this up. It's also best practice to let the SUITE open Photoshop for you as it guarantees a consistent connection between the programs.
Another cause for this issue would be an unverified install of Photoshop. Is your install sourced from the Creative Cloud application or from a third-party vendor?