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[PAID] Need Concept Artist to complete landscape/grass texture on existing environment concept

polycounter lvl 7
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CThom polycounter lvl 7
I currently have a 95% finished environment concept which can be seen here: http://imgur.com/3ZQqyW8 (I'll provide a MUCH higher res PSD). It's of a map in our game development project. The original artist and I are having trouble getting the grass right so we thought hiring multiple people to try it would be a good idea.

I will send you the full layered PSD that currently has no grass texture. All you need to do is do your own design on the grass, whether that be dirt, stone, grass, metal, leaves, etc.  We do have a utopian, futuristic world planned, so something very lush and green and carved stone and perfect patterns/architecture is preferred to scattered dirt, random stones, etc.

I can't imagine this takes you longer than an hour. I'm paying $30 for the job, though I expect you to actually put some detail into this. Each half of the map needs to be identical so you actually only need to do half the map, then just duplicate it. I do not want you just adding dirt paths and calling it done. This is a good example of the kind of detail I'm looking for: http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/t_original/hzywvhhurs0derfxhnwa.jpg

Our map is a MOBA map, so here are some additional examples: 

Skype: CThomlison
Email: CThomlison@gmail.com
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