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3ds Max 2017 SP1 - possible two UVW Unwrap bugs (gif's available).

polycounter lvl 3
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Marcos_ polycounter lvl 3
Sup people,

I have encounter two weird problems (bugs). Has anyone noticed them ?

1) When applying "Unwrap UVW" modifier on top of "Edit Poly" my UV's are getting cleared.

2) Select -> Select Overlapped Polygons in UV Editor do not work.

I am using student version of 3ds Max. Many thanks for help.


  • rv_el
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    rv_el polycounter lvl 20
    I just ran into the Select Overlapped UVs problem. Wow.  And at this point i've already done quite a few odd shenanigans in 2017 SP1 just to get things working.   Select by Material also doesn't work. 

    Thanks for confirming this for me. A google search for this overlap uvs issue doesn't really bring up much at all. I can't imagine people don't use this. I use it all the time. 
  • spacefrog
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    spacefrog polycounter lvl 15
    I think "Select by Material" works in the old material editor ( but not 100% sure )
    Did you guys report the overlapping UV issue ?

    regarding the UV resetting after the edit mesh/edit poly modifier
     i guess this is is because the edit modifier  does not pass any selection up the modifier stack, thus the UV Unwrap above does'nt receive the underlying UVset. To enforce that, simply hit the "Reset UVW" in the channel rollout. This copies the current valid UV data from below to the UV unwrap modfiier. This was the default action for new UV Unwrap modifiers until some releases back ( same when changing the mapping channel), but that has bee changed to only happen on demand, as it's potentially destructive for the current UV Unwrap modifier data

  • rv_el
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    rv_el polycounter lvl 20
    I only use the old material editor.  I assume you are talking about "Compact" mode which is one of the first things I change when I get Max set up. It doesn't work.  

    Yes I did an official report for both the Sel By Material and the Overlapping UVs.

    Another thing I ran into that bothered me (but have not reported on).  Is that you can no longer drag select a bunch of UV islands using Select By Elements and then after that ALT and Unselect single uv islands thus cutting it back to what you want.  It instead unselects everything! basically the same as if you had just clicked off in an open area. This really sucks when you start getting UVs laid out how you want them and realize a small chunk is tucked somewhere.  You drag select both, Then alt unselect the larger chunk and then (possibly lock selection) move the small chunk out.  Shit like that. 

    I've already moved back to 2014, but I'm thinking of may be doing a video for Autodesk of the things I ran into. This includes graphical viewport problems as well that are hard to describe.  Also need a native way (non script listener based) to shortcut an "assign to layer".   A video may be in order in hopes all the stuff shows up in a future Service Pack.   

  • spacefrog
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    spacefrog polycounter lvl 15
    UPDATE: previous content of this post was the wrong way arround
    "Select by material" works for me in SME and CME ( both material editors ) when the non-scene explorer based select by name tweak is applied ( SelectByNameUsesSceneExplorer=0 in currentdefaults.ini )

    Indeed the the complete deselection of uv islands is a killer - guess we have to wait for SP2 to fix this
    The assign to layer thingy sounds like a perfect case for a custom macroscript, i just wonder why there is'nt one already

  • gandhics
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    gandhics polycounter lvl 8
    What's "assign to layer"? I think I'm missing something.
  • rv_el
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    rv_el polycounter lvl 20
    Assigning selected objects to a layer is annoying in 2016 and beyond.  I did a listener and created a macroscript and set it to a shortcut. That way I can just hit the shortcut and click on the layer.  This native function I couldn't really find in the dialog -_-.   But you can build a script.

    Something I ran into though. It broke. I had to reset max to get it to work again.  I thought it was my script. But then later I got the same broken error on a native shortcut (not a script) to collapse layers that i've been using for a fucking decade or so.  So may be it wasn't the script???? I don't know!!!!!  Both acted the same. Same error when you hit the shortcut. Have to restart max to fix it.   A hanful of things honestly made me a bit scared of 2017 and I'm waiting for future SP's to go back.  I might do a little video for them of some of the crap I ran into.  

    Spacefrog: Strange. That doesn't work for me at all and I ran into posts about it on the internets too. People say it doesn't work for them.   *shrug*.  

  • spacefrog
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    spacefrog polycounter lvl 15

    Spacefrog: Strange. That doesn't work for me at all and I ran into posts about it on the internets too. People say it doesn't work for them.   *shrug*.  

    Dang - i got it the wrong way arround :
    For me "Select by Material" works using the old select from scene dialog tweak ( SelectByNameUsesSceneExplorer=0 in currentdefaults.ini ). AND using this tweak Select by material  works with SME and CME ( both material editors )... So the problem lies once again in the sceneexplorer based dialogs, which apparently are not processing the material tree node selection commands---

  • Dan Powell
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    Dan Powell polycounter lvl 5
    rv_el said:
    I just ran into the Select Overlapped UVs problem. Wow.  And at this point i've already done quite a few odd shenanigans in 2017 SP1 just to get things working.   Select by Material also doesn't work. 

    Thanks for confirming this for me. A google search for this overlap uvs issue doesn't really bring up much at all. I can't imagine people don't use this. I use it all the time. 
    Bit of a gravebump here, but may as well use the same thread for this issue.
    Select Overlapping Polygons bug is still occurring for me, and we're on service pack 2 now. It's becoming an ongoing trend that with each year of 3DS Max, more core features get broken -- and it's not a good one! :(

    At least some of the other stuff was fixed, such as not being able to deselect a UVs by dragging a selection whilst holding the Alt key. 
  • Accipiter
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    Accipiter triangle
    on my thing, there was a thread already existing on it, forgot to search (http://polycount.com/discussion/173988/3ds-max-2017-uv-unwrap-window-bug)
    I'm just experiencing Max 2017 because of the horrible 2016 memory leak problem using the UV Editor window.
    Also experiencing your problem with the Overlapping UVs not selecting anything...but have you also had issues with the Marquee Selection tool showing the window itself?

    Example in image:

  • Kanni3d
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    Kanni3d ngon master
    SP3 was released recently, and these few main issues weren't even mentioned :/ Anyone shed any light on these? Workarounds or scripts would be great...
  • spacefrog
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    spacefrog polycounter lvl 15
    Kanni3d said:
    SP3 was released recently, and these few main issues weren't even mentioned :/ Anyone shed any light on these? Workarounds or scripts would be great...
    Yeah - they missed this one in SP3. I already reported that for possible/hopefully coming  post SP3 fixes .... ( considering that they just recently released new servicepacks for Max 2014, Max 2015 and Max 2016 respectively. just in case you have all missed that surprise... )
    On the other hand, the long standing "Select Objects by Material" seems to be fixed in SP3 (when using the new, standard scene explorer based selection dialogs). This bug existed since Max 2016 or even 2015 ( not exactly sure)...
    But SP3 seems to be picky with shader compiling on scene load ( the phase the grey-white checkerboard appears in the viewport until the shaders are done compiling ). There might lurk some problem in there for some people, though i did'nt have much problems with it ...
  • Shanana
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    Shanana polycounter lvl 6
    Another thing I've had recently is this:
    While UVing I switch to checker pattern preview to see how the stretching goes, while all of the sudden this no longer visualized. While having the Texture Checker or regular Checker on, the mesh shows only the wireframe, while any other option like show distortion still works fine. Dang...

    Edit: the issue is really that for some reason Max turns off Show Realistic Material with Maps automatically per newly selected object. It didn't do that before nor should it. Minor issue but still annoying af.
  • Violet
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    Violet polycounter lvl 9
    Thread resurrection, 2017 ~SP1 -  but I rarely use 'select by overlapped polygons', but found it no longer works. I get no polygon selection when there are overlapped polygons - it's like it was removed from the software completely.
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