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Solved: Model's Triangles Showing Up In The Textures

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Hypocrita vertex
Hey everyone, hope all is going well!

This is a first for me once again: the UV lines of the triangulated model are showing on the textures. I'm curious as to what I've done wrong this time. It doesn't seem to show up everywhere, just on the pants and the (not pictured) shirt sleeves.

Thanks, and take care!


  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    This appears to be an issue with your curvature map. Are you working from a high-poly baked down to game res?
  • Hypocrita
    Offline / Send Message
    Hypocrita vertex
    Hey. =-)

    In this instance, I'm not. I'm basically just working with a low poly model.
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Please try this for me:

    Re-import your project from the DDO button shelf located at the top, with the circular arrow button being the one you'll want to press.

    Click on the normal input, assign the normal map to it again, and then click Bake in 3DO. Let me know if that fixes this.
  • Hypocrita
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    Hypocrita vertex
    Alright, I gave that a go and it seems to clear up the issue, thanks for the suggestion! 

    I suppose my question is as follows: are normal maps a requirement for a project? As a bit of a disclaimer, I made this project without one plugged in. The reasoning being I didn't really have any normal information to put in, and was hoping I could create some with DDo (to get this to clear up, I exported the normals from the project and plugged that in.) Is that sort of thing feasible, or do I need to create a high poly model and bake it down to a low poly? Also I'm curious if this sort of thing needs to be done in tandem with NDo...

    There's so many things I don't know yet.
    Time for some testing, I suppose. =-)
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Normals aren't required, but they're a main driver for mask-based texturing. If you don't have a normal map created via baking, NDO, or NDO+baking, you can use the Bake in 3DO function for your curvature input to create low-poly curvature information to generate masking information based on your model's topology.
  • Hypocrita
    Offline / Send Message
    Hypocrita vertex
    Good to know!
    Thanks for the help once again, I appreciate it. =-)
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