Hi every one! I'm totally new on polycount but you've already helped me in the past ::pleased:
At work, i'm working on a new pipeline to improve our quality and speed. I already use Quixel at home, so I submitted this software and Substance. My problem is the engine used for the simulator, it only support diffuse map. Our actual workflow is very old, we use 3ds max to bake complete map and tweak them in Photoshop with the AO and an inverted AO (curvature). The results is good, but take too much time.
So, i'm looking for a way or a software to easily import the model, the maps from quixel and bake a complete map with the look of the PBR.
Thanks for your help, I hope you have an idea :pleased:
I often set up material colors in Max, which can be imported into substance, and bake those into a texture to use as a material ID map. Then just go from there and blend together materials I've made. This is a super fast production pipeline in both Designer and Painter, since changing an object means simply dropping a new Substance file in.
The same effect could be achieved through Quixel.
They love the look and the speed of Quixel. It will be hard to convince them to change it, but if it look similar and is quick as Quixel, they will propably accept.
Check my attachment. Simply unzip this to your *\Users\****\AppData\Roaming\Quixel SUITE\presets\Smart Materials\Custom folder to use this inside of DDO. With DDO open, add a Smart Material, select Custom, and select the DDO Base Definition preset.
I built this a while ago for some stylized work I do professionally. Hope it helps!
If you need assistance at all, let me know. SUITE is a huge extension to Photoshop, so don't be afraid to tweak the values I have in there to fit the work you're doing.
I think I can not show you my screen because of the military model I work on... I don't have any microphone at work either. I know, it's a bit complicated... but you already helped me alot with this smart material.