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Metal Gear Bunny

polycounter lvl 4
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Rickpwnz polycounter lvl 4
Hello folks,
I started a new project because I want to train my hardsurface skills and the hole process of creating a character to get better!
This is the awesome concept that I use. ( not mine )
I want to realize it a bit more realistic than in the concept. :)

Here are one of my first WIP
C&C are always welcome!


  • Rickpwnz
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    Rickpwnz polycounter lvl 4

    Some more progress for now .
  • Rickpwnz
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    Rickpwnz polycounter lvl 4
    more progress :)

  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    Might want to lock down the proportions (naked) and her face before you go too far in. Profile shots also help us greatly. (front, side, 3/4)
  • Rickpwnz
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    Rickpwnz polycounter lvl 4

    Consider that I want to realize it a little more realistic :)
    Okay how can I improve her :) ???
  • dGreenberg
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    dGreenberg polycounter
    Hi @Rickpwnz! Do you have any realistic faces to reference for the character? It doesn't necessarily have to be for the likeness, but I usually find that having a front, side, and/or 3/4 view helps me really nail down the head proportions.  From there, I think getting some initial body proportions setup would be a huge benefit you when moving forward (and figuring out how the armor can be added). 

    Ideal proportions are usually around 8 heads tall, so I tried measuring out the character to see if things lined up. I think you might want to try changing up her height a little bit? She's currently at exactly 7 heads if I'm seeing things right.

    Hopefully this helps, and I really hope you keep pushing things further! 
  • Rickpwnz
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    Rickpwnz polycounter lvl 4
    Thanks for the Feedback Guy´s ! :)
    Your both damn right the Proportion was a bit off .
    If you have more tipps for me I would be very thankful :)

  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    I want to realize it a bit more realistic than in the concept.

    Then, take the time to do a 2d image showing exactly the visual style you are going for. If not you'll end up having to improvise changes in 3d and that always amounts to a waste of time and effort.
  • Rickpwnz
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    Rickpwnz polycounter lvl 4
    hey pior, thanks for you feedback :)
    the only thing I want to change is the face ( not that comic/manga like) and the rough proportions of the human body, but the rest I try to achieve like in the concept
    How would you start with a character like that ? Because I waste much time with the creation of the different parts What would you say  I should do now to get better with my next steps.?

    sry for my  bad english
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Hi - I would suggest you to take the original image and liquify it until you get the proportions you want to achieve ; as well as photoshoping in the kind of facial features you want to create. If not you'll end up endlessly tweaking things on the 3d model as opposed to going straight to your target.

    This is a very common mistake, but thankfully enough it is very easy to address by focusing on preparation as opposed to jumping straight to modeling.
  • Rickpwnz
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    Rickpwnz polycounter lvl 4
    Sooo pior :)
    I tried to follow your advice and made some overpaint for things that I want to realize .

  • Rickpwnz
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    Rickpwnz polycounter lvl 4
    Started with the handgloves and refined more of her shape. I really need to fix some proportion of the amore parts.

  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Cool - keep going, and take the habit of doing such 2d adjustments sessions at the beginning or in the middle of each work day. Think of the liquify tool/smudge brush as your 3d move tool.
  • Rickpwnz
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    Rickpwnz polycounter lvl 4
    So today I try to finish the handgloves, than boots and hair.... And then I start with adjust the seperate parts ( move and refine )
    here is the current WIP :)

  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    don't waste your time with non readable renders ;)

    if the thumb is supposed to be practical, which I'd personally prefer i would suggest that you rotate it inwards a tad to it can rotate properly.
  • Rickpwnz
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    Rickpwnz polycounter lvl 4
    yeah you´re right, I really have to stop those things, its soooo seductiv....

    You also totally right with the thumb, I rotated the finger a bit so it really makes more sense! little change, big impact.
    Here is a new WIP;
    - changed thumb
    - added shoes

    next steps;
    - hair
    - adjust everything
    - start lowpoly

    I´am also a bit afraid of making the lowpoly, because I will need much time for it. I usally create every lp in 3D Coat because it`s very easy and comfortable.
    Do anyone have a tip for me how I can be a bit faster with it. ?
  • Anchang-Style
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    Anchang-Style polycounter lvl 7
    I think she would look better with a bit more "womanly" hips or better: her torso a bit slimmer and her hips slightly more pronounced.
  • Rickpwnz
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    Rickpwnz polycounter lvl 4
    Hey Anchang,
    thanks for your feedback :) I also thought that ! Now everything is implemented and now I start to add some details and refine her forms to get a better shape.
    current WIP

    I think I will use the Zremesher for the static parts like the shoulders, knees and the head part because for the hands and the feet I want to make the lp animation friendly. How would you guys create the Lp´s ? everything by hand or a mix ?
  • AgelosAp
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    AgelosAp polycounter
    Nice progress on this, I 'll second Anchang for the hips/waist.
    Also you might have this in mind already but the shoulders need to be cut as the concept and pulled more towards the body.
    Right now the weakest part is face, anime faces are a tough thing to nail in 3D, but I'd say give it another go, try to look how other people handled doing that, a couple of good anime faces I remember from recently: Blair's Aigis , Joe's Ryuko
  • Rickpwnz
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    Rickpwnz polycounter lvl 4
    made some more progress on her face, still a lot to do...

    @AgelosAp - thanks for your tipps :)  yeah right I never made a face like this but I try to learn as much as I can, thanks for these nice reference artists!.
     Tomorrow I will work more on her hips. For now I try to make more progress on her face and before I go sleep I will post an update again :)

  • Rickpwnz
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    Rickpwnz polycounter lvl 4
    Current WIP, I think I´ll be closer to the final hi-rez model :)

  • wirrexx
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    wirrexx quad damage
    Ricky, this is looking awesome!! GO AT IT! /Wisam
  • Rickpwnz
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    Rickpwnz polycounter lvl 4
    Made a quick polypaint to use it later in quixel as material colors :) and the right one is inside marmoset I merged the parts so I can build the lp around it :)
    I will use a mix of 3D Coat and 3ds Max.
    That for now. I try my best to post some new Wip´s tomorrow !
  • Rickpwnz
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    Rickpwnz polycounter lvl 4
    So now I´am back with some progress ! LP is done and I backed normals . I started already with the texturing, but I cannot decide witch program I will use (Substance Painter or Quixel ) At this time Substance Painter is more comfortable for me, but I want to learn Quixel :/ If you have any tips for the texturing part I would be very happy to get some feedback from you talented guys!
    Here is a WIP with baked normals in Marmoset TB2 and a texturing wip in Substance painter
    I also have some probs to set up the substance painter maps in marmoset with the PBR metal/rough workflow :/ .
    hope alls well!

  • mfrederick
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    mfrederick greentooth
    This is looking great!  It's amazing to see the progression of where it started and where it is now.  Great work!

    I ran into problems with discrepancies between painter and marmoset as well.  One of the tips I got was to change the 'Reflection' in marmoset from blinn-phong to ggx for closer results, but then I just ended up with stuff looking more washed out than I'd like.  Also, the built in environments for painter and marmoset don't seem to be set to the same exposure, using your own hdr image is a good way to get around that.  I'm still trying to figure out the best solution going forward, but I hope this helps!
  • jacopoS
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    jacopoS polycounter
    This really improved a lot since the beginning. Good job! :+1:
  • Rickpwnz
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    Rickpwnz polycounter lvl 4
    @wirrexx thanks buddy! Glad to hear that. Hope alls well!
    @mfrederick yeah I changed the secondary reflection to ggx, looks much sharper now! Thank you.
    @jacopoS thanks ! That´s really motivational :)

    Thanks for your feedback and comments guys ! :)
    Here is some more progress, now I will finish the skin maps and reduce a bit of the "shinyness" from the metals and the latex on the tabard :)
    and than move on to the hair.

  • Rickpwnz
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    Rickpwnz polycounter lvl 4
    Its the first time that I have to create hair :/ its a really hard part ^^
    here is my first WIP

    I placed a lot of planes and now I should optimize there size and there position. After that I will add some single planes to give it more variation.
    Also texturing is not that easy. When I add a alpha map it looks weird with a lot of fragments :/ .
    If you guys have some more tips for me I would be very thankful.
    I try to post more WIP´s in a few hours.
  • Rickpwnz
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    Rickpwnz polycounter lvl 4
    quick little update .... Hair is not my favorite work :/ I wish we could use tools like hairfarm or ornatrix for games engines ^^
    okay so for now I added a normal map a first roughness and specular map. I sitting even more on the optimizing of the hair planes and I should work more on the alpha map.

  • Rickpwnz
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    Rickpwnz polycounter lvl 4
    decided to redo the hairplanes and place them step by step
    Hope to finish it tomorrow.
    Tips are always welcome!

  • Rickpwnz
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    Rickpwnz polycounter lvl 4
    Last WIP!  Now starting with posing and rendering :)
    I decided to build a little ground for the beatuy shot !

  • Rickpwnz
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    Rickpwnz polycounter lvl 4
    Before I show the final renderings I really want to thank you all guys !
    @mfrederick @AgelosAp @Neox @Anchang-Style @pior @dGreenberg @PyrZern
    I learned a lot on this project ! And I hope that I can get more feedback like this in my upcoming projects !
    U guys are awesome!
    And here are my final renderings (I will upload a little turntable vid. later)

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