Hey i'm using knald to bake when i bake my normal everything looks fine and when I export it gets an ugly line on the edge. Anyone know why first pic is before export second after export.
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Does the normal map appear like this immediately after export or do you export and then reload the normal map via the Norm/Deriv button? Could you post a picture of the whole application (both windows) pre-export so I can check the settings you are using please?
The reason you are getting the issue is because you
are reloading/reprocessing the normal map via The Integrator.
This is only a potential problem if you reload the exported
normal map via the the Norm/Deriv button, which you should really need
to do if you are using out Baker. The exported "baked" normal map will
not contain these issues and will be as you see after the initial bake.
Does the normal map appear like this immediately after export or do you export and then reload the normal map via the Norm/Deriv button?
Could you post a picture of the whole application (both windows) pre-export so I can check the settings you are using please?
Hey thanks for your reply,
The normal map appears like this immediately after i export it (tested in marmoset).
And then i reloaded the normal map via the Norm/Deriv button.
Also i just want to say that i love Knald, it's an amazing program.
The reason you are getting the issue is because you are reloading/reprocessing the normal map via The Integrator.
This is only a potential problem if you reload the exported normal map via the the Norm/Deriv button, which you should really need to do if you are using out Baker. The exported "baked" normal map will not contain these issues and will be as you see after the initial bake.
Hope that helps!