Dear reader,
Currently I am busy on a project to mimic various art styles.
One of them is the style used in the game called Rite of ILK
I am very interested to discover how the artist on that project made their textures.
As I know there are various talented Artists among this forum, and I sincerely hope that someone could help me out.
Hninja/ Hichi
*Also im not quite sure if posted this in the right column
What I do see is the use of a shape language for the rocks and foliage, as well as a color palette, lighting, and composition.
Texturing however is not the defining attribute of this game.
Thanks for helping me, I will try to texture something as soon as possible so we could see how close it got.
I suggest you learn about Shape Language. For example:
Introduction to Shape Language
See also the resources on this wiki page: