I have a couple reference images saved to a Pinterest page and I'm pulling up google images for specific angles as needed. Here is my board: http://pin.it/IMKo3ld
Hey @kertesz! It looks like you're off to a good start, but I would strongly recommend getting those initial face proportions as close as possible before you worry about any polypaint or hair / facial hair. That being said, I'm really looking forward to seeing how this shapes up. Keep working at it, man!
Thanks for the feedback @dGreenberg and @theStoff, I really appreciate it. I did a bit more refining today on my lunch break and plan on going deeper on it tonight.
Likeness is like another level of knowledge and skill in terms of sculpting faces. You are not really capable of doing likeness if you don't know the underlying structure of the face(muscle, fat, skull).
I'd suggest sculpting a skull and muscles of the face, keep your mesh pretty low poly to the point of getting the base shape correct.
I'd suggest sculpting a skull and muscles of the face, keep your mesh pretty low poly to the point of getting the base shape correct.
You're doing well, but study, study, study!