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Group Portfolio Project , looking for fellow students...

polycounter lvl 5
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seandxyz polycounter lvl 5

Hey, wondering if any fellow students would be up for a group environment project for UE4, I have got some good ideas, contact me on skype - seanz511 or email - seandxyz@gmail.com


Idea –


Although I am open to suggestion, my project idea involves recreating the Port Authority Bus Terminal located in NYC, initially I intended to do the front of this terminal as a sort of diorama, but then had the idea of posting on poly count in search of fellow students/individuals that are also seeking to improve/add content to their portfolios.


Obviously the complexity of this project is dependent on how many people I can find to take part, but I would like to achieve a camera fly through of the lively environment, showing many different areas of the terminal, there is also space for characters and animation which would really add to this piece, but I plan on primarily focusing on game engine work constructing the environment, and generating both 3d and 2d content, (3D props / modular environments / and materials).


The state of the environment could be abandoned and derelict but I am entirely open to suggestion on that one.


Some reference material to set the general idea:


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcvZ2BYRYhY ( Inside )

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUzqXC4oa8g ( Walk upto )

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMXtrQlvjVQ ( Dance - character and animation? )

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgTaUthhKHw ( Across the street )

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eR8A4SYV-I( Exterior )  

Ideally would like you to be late university level, but I am open.
skills I would like you to have include:
- The generic Photoshop skills
- Experience with UE4
- high poly+low poly modelling from a reference and the artistic mind to add your own touch (max/maya/blend  w/e)
- ability to use UV space effectively 
- PBR workflow knowledge
- have input to design ideas

and if possible
- animation
- lighting
- sound

Not too strict on what you know, we're students after all,  would like other enthusiastic people to work with to both improve my own skill sets further, learn from each other, and further develop skills and workflows.

If you are interested please contact me on Skype or via email and we can sort something out
seanz511 or email - seandxyz@gmail.com


  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Might want to post here as well with iamges/formal pitches of your dieas:
  • seandxyz
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    seandxyz polycounter lvl 5
    Thanks, will do shortly.
  • beefaroni
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    beefaroni sublime tool
    Way too big. You won't make anything good in a reasonable amount of time.

    Scale the project WAY back, like 10% of what you just wrote.

    To add, I think that even accomplishing something like this (below), would take awhile depending on your current level, even with a group. Maybe expand upon it a bit but keep it small overall.

    You're trying to build a portfolio piece at the end of the day to get a job. Making something huge and unfinished and low quality won't get you a job. Building something small and beautiful will go a LOT further. 


  • Magihat
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    Magihat ngon master
    Try https://artella.com/

    Seems to be in line with what you are asking for.
  • Cheathem
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    Cheathem polycounter lvl 6
    Sounds like a great networking opportunity and could be lots of fun. I would imagine managing the project would be difficult though, but a polycount thread, trello, or other tools could help reduce that. 
  • seandxyz
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    seandxyz polycounter lvl 5
    Yes i agree, a little far fetched, but entirely is up to the people who choose to join :) , i would like to do the outside bit myself, the walkway (half the road) out side of the buildings etc, and all the stuff in between, having it a night scene well lit up from the overhead rain cover thing. and perhaps do a little in the entrance to give a little depth feel, more people would allow to expand on this, I'll keep it smaller if not many people have interest, or maybe they join later on, lol.
            I'm looking more for other people to talk with in this field mostly, my current circle lacks PBR knowledge etc and just feel too far behind :( . got summer to get some projects going, would like to get 2-3 good environment pieces,   i could happily plod along doing stuff solo, but that's not as fun now is it 2nd pair of eyes is always a bonus and it be nice to work with other people.

    So yeah doesn't have to be this could be anything, but preferably i wanted to cover a few different environment themes to show i can create which ever, shows versatility right? was thinking a city,forest,overgrown mansion front, snowy forest with a shack, and perhaps some others most defiantly wont be able to do all over summer, perhaps 2-3 dioramas though, especially if i end up doing on my own aha , but happens... it's ok :) 

    PS thanks for the feedback, and website links, always appreciated <3

    Skype - Seanz511
    Portfolio = seandxyz.com (wip little outdated)
    Email - seandxyz@gmail.com
  • beefaroni
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    beefaroni sublime tool
    Alright I took a quick look at your website and I really think you should scrap this plan and do something much smaller. I also don't think you will be able to create 3 environments over the summer at a high quality bar. I would work on learning a few smaller things and then take that knowledge into one small diorama at the end. 

    Take a look at this portfolio, do you see any HUGE HUGE environments? Not really. What is apparent is that he can create high quality assets for a larger environment in a team setting. Need a stone tillable texture? Looks like he can do it. Need a few props for the scene? Looks like he can do it. 

  • Eric Chadwick
    I am moving this thread from General Discussion to Unpaid Work, so you can get the right eyeballs on this. I'll delete the new one you made there since it's basically a duplicate of this one, but has no replies yet. Good luck with your project!
  • seandxyz
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