Hi guys/gals. My name is Mark and I currently in the development of a pirate game that may
be eventually commercially released. For the past 6 months I have been creating/coding/animating etc all aspects of a 3D pirate game.
I myself do not have a paying job at the moment, so this is why I cannot pay anyone.
What I require is some 3D character & props modelers to assist me as my team consists only of myself and a temporary coder. This is a totally unpaid position, but a mention of your name can be included in the final commercial release(in the credits) - if it is ever released. This will be my second Commercial game release once finished. The game is approximately 40% completed and has become like a full time job creating this to me.
What I need: I have included 2 pictures in this post on the quality of models required in FBX or 3dmax format.
I need chars for a medieval town: several Shop-keepers, a inn keeper, general townspeople, probably about 4 pirate captains, pirate crew. The models must have good geometry so when the are rigged/animated they deform well. I can do the rigging myself. all I need are the models. Any pirate related props such as things you would see in a medieval marketplace like medieval jewelry, market stalls, carts, animals, anchors and related things are welcome too. Models must be 100 royalty free and not the work of someone else. (remember this may be a commercial release)
Models don't have to be to scale, though this is preferred if possible. They must be textured or uvw mapped. . 
I have also included an image from my medieval town from the actual game in this post.
So if you want to work with me & help, send along your models/art/queries to SevenSeasSoftware@iinet.net.auI will let you know if your model is the standard i require. I will do my best to get back to you asap. Thanks Mark