Hi, everyone. I'm here to learn.
I'll be posting a mix of 2d and 3d stuff here.
Here's a WIP of something I've been working on the past week.
Still working on basic forms.

Based on this character design/illustration:
Still not quite sure how to approach hard surface modeling in zbrush.
As for the hard surface I usually dynamesh to a relatively loose volume and then model it in 3ds max, but you could retopo in ZB or use Zmodeller, I'm just not that accustomed to those techniques and they take me longer.
Thanks for replying!
I agree with the 'A' pose thing. A friend of mine was actually telling me about how it messes up posing the figure the other day. On the hard surfaces, I've given up trying to sculpt them with dynamesh. Wasn't very smart of me to start it that way. I'm trying to follow the workflow you described now.
Still not sure how to approach folds
The polycount is kinda too high, I think? model
Still have to model the seburo C26-A and detail some stuff.
I would love some critique on this. Always looking to improve!
Also, here's an update on the Major I've been working on. Been fumbling around in Substance Painter, too.
Feel like I can move a bit faster now
Grinding on getting together a better portfolio. Recently finished this one.
Original Concept by Magdalina Dianova https://www.artstation.com/magdalina