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How do i get icons from 3ds max search panel?

polycounter lvl 2
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Daywalker polycounter lvl 2
Hello to everybody. I'm adjusting my toolbars in 3ds max and i want to use icons in toolbars from search panel. For example im attaching screenshot of this icons. So does anyone know where i can find it?


  • monster
    Offline / Send Message
    monster polycounter
    Many of them seem to be in this folder:

    C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2017\UI_ln\Resources\Dark\Icons\Modeling\

    But to get them to show up in the Edit Macro Button dropdown you'll need to convert them to BMP, create a 24 pixel version, and rename the file to something:

    resetWorkingPivot_16i.bmp and resetWorkingPivot_24i.bmp

    Finally you need to copy these new versions to your User Icons folder and restart 3ds Max. You can open the user icons folder with this command:
    shelllaunch "$usericons" ""
    Seems like a lot of work for some icons. :)
  • Daywalker
    Offline / Send Message
    Daywalker polycounter lvl 2
    Thanks, Monster, it works! BTW i'm using little icons in toolbars, and need only 16x16 pixels version of icon, but there must be separate .bmp files for icon itself and alpha-channel, like this:

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