Hi , I use 3dsmax 2017 and I have Quixelsuite too , so I was wondering how to use that last to bake the needed textures for the ddo workflow , I have seen thispage
http://quixel.se/usermanual/quixelsuite/doku.php?id=inputmaps and checked tuts on how to do , but they all refer to high poly and low poly workflow , for that so far I used xnormal then manually do with photoshop , now I wanted to start use ddo that I got sone time ago but never really started to learn it . I thought might be very good to texture my high poly spaceship I am doing .
do you have any sugestions on how to create the maps. ZI need without a low poly to bake? Also , if I had to do a low poly normally I would exclude certain details like bolts , cables , gruds abd ither details on the high poly model , but since in my hp I have several objects that actually are part of the main model how I am supposed to use those , unwrap or not? Thanks for any answer...

What mostly I wanted to know is if I can use it to texture the model without have to uvmap every single pieces that are in the order of the hundreds .
For high-poly texturing in QS you will need a curvature/AO/worldspace normal/position map.
sorry still new to all that , but O suppose ddo borns first as a game model texturing tool rather than high poly one... I tried to follow the doo workflow tutorial but Zi am lost with it .
thankyou Synaesthesia , isit anupdate ? Ds ddo updates automatically?
thats thetutorual I was going to follow http://www.neilblevins.com/cg_education/shading_pipeline_overview/shading_pipeline_overview.htm, but if I could use ddoafter seeing how works would be better , its only that Zi dunno how to make texture maps for all little. Objects , bullons , tube , pipe etc...