Word ^,
Still a WIP, Been working on this little guy after work.
Concept of the Lizard, by the talented Tan ZhiHui
The environment is, UE4's modified 'Elemental Demo'
Currently I'm on my first Animation / Texture pass.

Gif (Problems)- Shot the anim. sequence as a 30fps, has to use
http://ezgif.com/speed to inc. the speed by 400%; but then there comes a breaking point, when you have too many frames for it to work. What I had to do was re-record with 15fps and up the speed using
https://screentogif.codeplex.com/ Ultimately, quality wise I wish to get something crisp such as:
(This was just one of the Stress Tests)
My goal was to sum up the knowledge I've learned for the past year and a half working with extremely talented Adam AC; To create a simple Animatable Character with an easy rig system and place him into an engine.
Rigging can be intimidating, hopefuly I can create a short tutorial later on showing how to put together this little guy.
I've been thinking of the best ways of presenting the Asset with the ability of getting a thorough critique. Currently SketchFab offerse the most options.
This is just a T-Pose, with first pass textures on him. Later, I want to take 3d Coat for a spin.
modelAnimation (Problems)- Because I tried a slightly different approach to rigging the character (using primitives); the actual controls are still displayed, and currently there's no way of switching them off in SketchFab;
- On my Home computer I get "Model is too heavy for your device and can not be rendered properly";
I learned that CPU renders bones/anim; GPU skins the mesh -- so the inability to display the mesh, is probably because I have too many bones for SketchFab to handle (over 70).
- I was going for semi-game animation loops, not too long, not too short and they all have to tie in with out another by the Idle anim (which isn't included yet). Currently there are too many keys which I'll have to clean up in the Polish pass.
First pass on the Walk Anim
modelFirst Pass on the Run Anim
modelFirst Pass on the Attack Anim
modelFirst Pass on the Jump Anim
Things I haven't managed to solve (list for myself)
- Eyes
- Making high quality SSS mtrl in UE4
Merci for looking!
Would be awesome to get some stories from you guys whom dealt with such or similar issues.
Managed to figure out how to get rig of the skeleton rig/controls from showing up in SketchFab; In the Materials Tab, I got two roll outs: "RootNode" and "StandardMaterial"; switching over to 'RootNode', one can, in "Transparency" roll out inc. is to 100%, thus making the Controllers/Bones transparent.
- Decided to scrap the Normals that were made within 3D-Coat and create a bunch of Clean Tiliable txtrs for each needed material using Photoshop - Crazybump Workflow.
Crazybump's Viewport Screenshot
Originally, I wanted to create a double geo eyeball (i.e: Mr. Poop's Tut); And have the texture of the eyes and body in the same file (and skinned as one object), then separate them out via the shader in UE4, but realized that you'd need to render the texture twice, thus, masking out the body for the outer-eye-geo. I'm sure that it could be done. I just don't know to -_-
Learning how to use 3D Coat, finding out a workflow.
Another pass on the Tan's Lizard texture. Rendered him out in Marmoset, then put together in Premiere.
Beginning of Rant:
This time around I had to experiment with codec compression, I ended up playing around with H.264 under one of the HD presets.
The goal, as always, is to get the image sequence matching 1 to 1 with the video output. Yet, I'm struggling to understand why after outputting it, the mp4 vid seems 'washed out', less contrast/saturation. I discovered that Quicktime player views the mp4 correctly, in VLC you have to turn off 'Image adjust' (in adjustments and effects - video effects - essential);
Bringing it into Youtube, the final output still looks 'washed out', so manual inc. of contrast by 1 (w youtube enhancements) seems to make it look like the original image.
Texture Updates
the animations look great too, my only crit is I think you might have added a bit to much detail. its personal taste of course but I love the clean look you have in those early animations passed you posted. Dont get me wrong, I do like the textures, but maybe just dial back some of the micro detail/noise some.
I'll also try to post it underneath
Above GIF Taken From Here (Click)
More Examples on Polycount (Click)
Max Files
Game Character Creation Notes
also, you should probably post the breakdown and tutorial in a solo thread, for easier viewing.