Hey guys 3rd year is coming up and I'm practising over summer. I'm starting with this blockout of a ship I'm doing. This ship will be rigged, animated and comped into a scene aswell as changed into a game res asset so I've began with a blockout (still in concepting stage) it'll also have a rigged interior. The ship is an original idea but I'm using references for different parts. I intend to do paintovers to further develop the design, I've already recieved some crit regarding the turrets so I'll remove the bottom ones and tone down the top ones as they're a bit overkill. All other crit welcome
Story behind the vehicle: An assault class vehicle capable of transporting 5 troops in the back. It has two pilots. Made to only attack enemies in front. in the event an enemy is behind it is vulnerable due to the lack of rear mounted turrets and must use evasive manoeuvres to better its position. The engines swivel a full 360 degrees allowing the craft to travel at great speeds both down and backwards. Everything else is still to be decided on. The ribs on the side are supposed to mimic a manta rays gil slits in design and are for reducing heat on the craft if anyones wondering lol.
Just a little progress update, working on the interior now, though I'd post a before bed. This is the centre console that goes between the two pilots, colours are not representative of the final model, just place holder.
Update on the ship and how its looking so far, 4th image is a section of the engine btw.
Large primary shapes are being put in, then I'll move on to secondary and tertiary, major changes made to the turret system and overall shape. Any crit would be highly appreciated
very unique design going on here. and I find that to be priceless in this day and age
Wow thanks guys, those were the two things I was aiming for, shape language and trying to keep it original. I'm trying to get better with designing, I still have much to learn especially in areas like transition detail and grounding the design so it looks functional. Really appreciate it
Like the others said already, the design is amazing. The only thing that I can say is the shape of the gun's base might differ a bit too much with the rest of the ship imho. ^^
Like the others said already, the design is amazing. The only thing that I can say is the shape of the gun's base might differ a bit too much with the rest of the ship imho. ^^
Thanks yeah though thats blockout mesh thats exactly what I needed, so I know to change the mesh, probably to a more organic shape that leads the eye to the turret, really appreciate the crit . I'm working on that area now so I'll post an update when I can.
I need to add to the mechanism that allows the turret to move but this is some progress made to the top section. I'd added 2 power management couplings to the turret. This is where the voltage is charged before being released through the barrel.
crazy work man! this looks insane! how do you get all your inspirations from?
Thanks man, I currently have 5 big moodboards . The main one (1.5gb lol) has reference for exteriors, interiors of ships, and hangars a lot of star citizen reference since I'm trying to get as close to their standard as I can, one with general design mostly concepts be it cars or just well designed products and others with general hard surface reference. But I use them for inspiration to create my own shapes as I'm trying to get better at designing unique shapes instead of placing together other peoples shapes.
The design of the ship is entirely mine but the chair is based on the audi chair concept, then I added a bit of a twist to it
Hi guys, Heres a pillar for the interior of the ship, there'll be 2. Its enclose so it can be walked across, however the ship wires go through them so when any maintenance is required the handle is twisted pulled up then the panel flips up, from hydraulics pull the rest enabling access to the more important parts. I'm an animation noob but the model will be handled to a rigger this is just so that they have guidance in how to rig it, modelling of the pillar isn't done (its close as I need to move on) so Its a wip to see what fits . The panels moving will have a hydraulic mechanism attached to wheels which go around the edge of the pillar, once I know what I'm doing with the panels Any design or cool ideas for a better mechanism is welcome,
Pillar complete, screws will be done floating or alpha. I want to go on forever but the idea of baking / making a low poly is worrying me so i'm cutting some detail short.
haha yeah, Its going to be rigged but a friend and fellow student. These animations are just so she knows what goes where / how things will work so its rough
Forgot I hadn't shown a shot in its landing / hovering phase. The landing gear will be attached to the back/bottom of the engine (nearest part to the ground in the images). I have a system in mind where it pops out of a panel and slides down. should have a demonstration soon . I also have an engine rotation method to go from hovering to flight in mind so I should have an update soon, (though other assignments are taking my time away
I have a submission coming up so rendered a quick turntable, you'll notice the bottom is cleaner as I remade it ( the fins weren't uniform and detracted from the top, but not its a smooth surface with more uniform panels) detail has also been added to the turret (added after the turnaround hence its missing from the video). I'm awaiting crit from a senior ship artist so this model is possibly subject to large changes.
The crit arrived and I made some, drastic changes haha. But I finally think the exterior is near completion. I still have the interior and cockpit to do but the design will not sway far from here. Hope you like and all constructive criticism is welcome. I may not have time to implement the improvements but I'd love to know for future projects.
External parts of the ship are finished. The cockpit and VTOL engines that slide out are the last bits left. Would have been further but other are getting in the way https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00bcUouDtLg
Looking good! Some really nice shapes in there. Curious to see the interior, the pillar looks promising
Thanks a lot, I hope to get the interior done if I had time but unfortunately I might have to cut it out as I have a main project alongside this. I'll try my best , if not it'll just be a cockpit, alternatively I'll add an interior after the uni submission.
I think the way you have the cockpit window opening just doesn't seem feasible, All that weight being lifted from the rear and pushing at that angle would bend the material. Pistons would be the only way I could think of it opening, and from the sides not the back. If you want to keep that way of opening, it would need some serious support from heavy actuators or hydraulics and the like.
The hinge idea although interesting kind of looks toy like.
Man, thats some good hard surface work right there.
I know you said you are finished with the exterior, but I think there could still be some additional work done to the underside, as well as the wings. You have so much detail in some other areas, yet the paneling in these spaces looks so boring and plain in comparison, almost looks unfinished to me.
I can definitely see the value in having some large sweeping shapes to contrast the small detail in other spots, but some breakup would help, more interesting paneling on the bottom, some rivets or latches to break them up, anything.
I think the way you have the cockpit window opening just doesn't seem feasible, All that weight being lifted from the rear and pushing at that angle would bend the material. Pistons would be the only way I could think of it opening, and from the sides not the back. If you want to keep that way of opening, it would need some serious support from heavy actuators or hydraulics and the like.
The hinge idea although interesting kind of looks toy like.
Thanks yeah I'm in the process of fixing it, I'm going to opt for the harrier design where the cockpits are split into 2 and rotate over the side. I should have an update soon
Man, thats some good hard surface work right there.
I know you said you are finished with the exterior, but I think there could still be some additional work done to the underside, as well as the wings. You have so much detail in some other areas, yet the paneling in these spaces looks so boring and plain in comparison, almost looks unfinished to me.
I can definitely see the value in having some large sweeping shapes to contrast the small detail in other spots, but some breakup would help, more interesting paneling on the bottom, some rivets or latches to break them up, anything.
Thanks for the crit gsokol, the reason I've left the object the way it is, is because I'm going to use the face weight normals approach so panels (and all baked detail for that fact) are added as decals /trim sheets. Therefore my now highpoly soon to be midpoly once I've converted it will have no surface detail only sillhouette. I'll then bake rivets, panels and such onto a plane creating a trimsheet and place them in later via the second uv channel.
Update on the ship and how its looking so far, 4th image is a section of the engine btw.
Large primary shapes are being put in, then I'll move on to secondary and tertiary, major changes made to the turret system and overall shape. Any crit would be highly appreciated
Wow thanks guys, those were the two things I was aiming for, shape language and trying to keep it original. I'm trying to get better with designing, I still have much to learn especially in areas like transition detail and grounding the design so it looks functional. Really appreciate it
Like the others said already, the design is amazing. The only thing that I can say is the shape of the gun's base might differ a bit too much with the rest of the ship imho. ^^
The design of the ship is entirely mine but the chair is based on the audi chair concept, then I added a bit of a twist to it
I'm an animation noob but the model will be handled to a rigger this is just so that they have guidance in how to rig it, modelling of the pillar isn't done (its close as I need to move on) so Its a wip to see what fits . The panels moving will have a hydraulic mechanism attached to wheels which go around the edge of the pillar, once I know what I'm doing with the panels
Coming along nicely dude
If you want to keep that way of opening, it would need some serious support from heavy actuators or hydraulics and the like.
The hinge idea although interesting kind of looks toy like.
I know you said you are finished with the exterior, but I think there could still be some additional work done to the underside, as well as the wings. You have so much detail in some other areas, yet the paneling in these spaces looks so boring and plain in comparison, almost looks unfinished to me.
I can definitely see the value in having some large sweeping shapes to contrast the small detail in other spots, but some breakup would help, more interesting paneling on the bottom, some rivets or latches to break them up, anything.
a bit like this ship made by philip howlett.