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Level Design Workflow / Pipeline

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Hey guys not sure if this is the correct thread to be posting this in so please feel free to delete or move :)

I and going to be starting my 3rd year of games desing at university next year and decided to get some practise in over the summer. I will be creating 3 levels in unreal as part of a project and wanted to ask some opinions on my planned workflow. I've done some research and i think i may have something good here. Please feel free to point out my "mistakes" and give me some of your opinions. 

Many thanks in advance, workflow bellow..........................

Level design workflow:

The following contains the workflow I will use for each environment.

-          (RESEARCH) Find inspiration as well as reference images for the overall level/lighting/props ect.

-          (CONCEPT) Top down rough design to work out how the level plan will look

-          (BLOCKING OUT) Blocking out in Unreal with BSP objects. Helps get the correct scale and positioning.

-          (1st LIGHTING PASS) Create mood lighting as well as basic lighting of the overall level.

-          (Modelling) Slowly introduce modelled assets.

-          (2ND LIGHTING PASS) Tweak lighting to suit new level as more complicated object will be present.

-          (ADVANCE MODELLING) Unwrapping final assets and finalizing their positions.

-          (TEXTURING) Texture the assets in the environment either with unique “Hero prop” techniques or with tillable/ master materials/ vertex painting.

-          (EFFECTS PASS) Adding in specific particle, flares, ect.

-          (FINAL TWEAKS) Inspecting final lighting as well as textures making small adjustments.

Detailed workflow


-          Establish a Location/ Theme and Setting, conduct research on the final choice in a broad scope. (Right down to the trees in the area)

-          Find main reference images for overall level, included but not limited to: Landscape images, Prop Images, Lighting Reference, Colour Reference, and Inspiration Images.



-          1ST Draft top down concept, this will be used to help plan ahead so I have some sort of idea of what I want to create when I open up the engine.

-          2nd more refined design, created in Photoshop. This will take into account more details scale as well as misc props. This will act as my base plan


-          Translate the top down design in the engine as best available using BSP objects.

-          Fix problems that will occur. Scale, placements as well as tweaks

-          Place objects that represent more complex shapes, mountains, rocks ect


-          Set the basic ambient lighting for the scene with the directional light

-          Add in secondary lights that will be used to set the scene (Flame lights ect)


-           Creating Low poly models to replace the blocking out BSP’s

-           Fix position errors

-          Start adding more miscellaneous details, medium to small props.



-           Re adjust lighting if necessary (due to new props, which may have transparent/ translucent properties)



-           Create higher fidelity models baking down the normal maps and adding the new geometry to the level

-          Adding in all props at this point



-          Create tillable textures

-          Creature “Hero Prop” textures

-          Assign them to materials in engine and apply to environment.



-          Insert particles that will enhance the atmosphere of the level, fire, snow, emitter objects for example.



-          Re adjust prop positions

-          Re adjust lighting

-          Fix texture issues

-          Misc tweaking


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