The bike looks great. On the character, the anatomy gets muddled around the sternum and in the back; I think it'd benefit from more time spent polishing transitions between muscle groups in the sculpt.
Love how the bike turned out! The character needs more work,I like the style you went for but it doesn't look like you were really in control of it, especially when it comes to the muscles. Your anatomy knowledge is lacking and it's showing and the stylization doesn't really look polished or controled, a lot of area look muddy or unfinished. The AO is also showing way too much, once again especially on the muscles part where they just make things very black and ''dirty''
The character needs more work,I like the style you went for but it doesn't look like you were really in control of it, especially when it comes to the muscles.
Your anatomy knowledge is lacking and it's showing and the stylization doesn't really look polished or controled, a lot of area look muddy or unfinished.
The AO is also showing way too much, once again especially on the muscles part where they just make things very black and ''dirty''
Tris - 9601
4K Texture
Highpoly modelled in Maya a few years back, I retop'd in Blender and surfaced in substance.